micaelparadox / chardev-wotlk

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Issue regarding wow-model-viewer #1

Open Miorey opened 4 months ago

Miorey commented 4 months ago

In https://github.com/micaelparadox/chardev-wotlk/blob/error-branch/views/dashboard.ejs

<script src="http://localhost:2999/modelviewer/live/viewer/viewer.min.js"></script>

is missing, you need to load the bypass policy stuff on port 2999 for that take a look to my docker-compose.yml

is this loading my index file https://github.com/micaelparadox/chardev-wotlk/blob/error-branch/views/dashboard.ejs#L11 I have big doubts about.

micaelparadox commented 4 months ago

im kinda lost, could you guide me example:

here is my current code,


I have add the dependencie of your, project :


i run the docker containers



i dont know in my scenario what needs to be done exactly, I`m just trying to use and display it could you help me pls


I would be realy thankful if you help me to have a real scenario of view in my project :(

micaelparadox commented 4 months ago

like, for example im pretty sure these guys are using your lib to reproduce same behaviour

this is a university project i willing to do you know



Miorey commented 4 months ago

Your issue I think it comes from your way to import the script:

<script type="module" src="../node_modules/wow-model-viewer/index.js"></script>

You try to import from the front a lib a lib you load for the back. Your back is a node app, I'm sure that if you look your network you have an error for this file: ../node_modules/wow-model-viewer/index.js

Your options: Option 1- create. a public repo for your node app. create a public dir a the root level of your app.

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public'))); // Serve static files from public directory

Inside this you put all the stuff you need frontside: css, js etc (my lib)

Option 2- your ejs file load a front app network (is more complicated but more professional )

Did you manage to make my demo work ?

https://sixtyupgrades.com/wotlk/characters use a nice lib but not mine I think, the use the oldfashioned graphical style. My lib is based on the newest characters appearance.

image image
Miorey commented 4 months ago

My lib contains also the newest wow races, even I use it only for wotlk. The lib also uses the newest items display id that's why I had to do some tricks.

micaelparadox commented 4 months ago

Did you manage to make my demo work ? I couldn't..

Miorey commented 4 months ago

Where do you fail ? Did you use the docker-compose.yml to miroring zaming ?