micasense / imageprocessing

MicaSense RedEdge and Altum image processing tutorials
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From Batch Processing Example in Load Images int ImageSet #175

Open thobaniha opened 2 years ago

thobaniha commented 2 years ago

Greetings I am new to image processing, I am encountering a problem whe trying to run the Batch Processing.ipynb file. This problem is from cell 3 of code in "Load Images into ImageSet" section. Please look at it below and your assistance will be highly appreciated. Thanks

ValueError Traceback (most recent call last) ~\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_4552\898569403.py in 18 19 import jenkspy ---> 20 breaks = jenkspy.jenks_breaks(df[color_property], nb_class=num_color_classes) 21 22 color_stops = create_color_stops(breaks,colors='YlOrRd')

~\Anaconda3\envs\micasense\lib\site-packages\jenkspy\core.py in jenks_breaks(values, nb_class) 105 106 if nb_class >= nb_values or nb_class < 2: --> 107 raise ValueError("Number of class have to be an integer " 108 "greater than 2 and " 109 "smaller than the number of values to use")

ValueError: Number of class have to be an integer greater than 2 and smaller than the number of values to use

poynting commented 2 years ago

The color_property variable is by default set to dls-yaw. If your data doesn't have that property (for example, because it was gathered without a DLS) then this process will fail. If dls_yaw or whatever column is chosen as the has fewer than 8 distinct values, it will also fail, since the default num_color_classes is set to 8.

It's possible to print the columns variable, inspect the values that are available, and change the color_property to one of those.

thobaniha commented 2 years ago

Hi @poynting, thanks for a response. I get what you are saying. I am using the dataset from the tutorial not a different data. So is it possile that they miseed that point regarding the color_property from the tutorial?