micdoodle8 / Galacticraft

An advanced Space Dimension Mod for Minecraft
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Can't log in before crash. #3257

Closed manuwwa closed 6 years ago

manuwwa commented 6 years ago

I' can't log in to game before my game crash while i was flying rocket. It was right before planet menu should pop up. I thing it could be something about null dim.

Minecraft version: 1.12.2 Galacticraft version: 1.12.2-

Multiplayer other mods: mods

log: log

SteveKunG commented 6 years ago

[12:06:01] [main/ERROR] [FML]: Parsing error loading recipe harvestcraft:minecraft_pumpkinseeds com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: Unknown item 'harvestcraft:harvestpumpkinitem'

This is not Galacticraft issue, It's HarvestCraft.

radfast commented 6 years ago

This is not Galacticraft issue, It's HarvestCraft.

No no, @SteveKunG, that one is a standard game loading logging message from harvestcraft - not a crash. There can be many of those logged loading errors in unfinished mods. It does not crash the game.

@manuwwa it sounds like there is a crash here, sounds like it may be related to Galacticraft rockets, but your log does not help us figure out the crash, because of this at the end:

MultiMC stopped watching the game log because the log length surpassed 10000 lines.

If you can give us the full log file (MultiMC said the game is still logging to files), I promise that we will fix this crash for you (if it's Galacticraft related). But right now, I can do nothing :/

(Alternatively if you don't know how to find the full log file, you can try your game without MultiMC (maybe you will have to copy the whole game folder to .minecraft?) or else change the MultiMC setting to allow a log much longer than 10000 lines, try 999999 ...)

radfast commented 6 years ago

@manuwwa also please try without Extra Planets and More Planets and any other mods adding planets - maybe there is a conflict between them, can easily happen if both add the planet Pluto for example - depending on your config settings for both mods.

Or pick just one of them....

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

ExtraPlanets and More Planets i know for sure dont have id conflicts 1.8+ unless they have been changed to conflict

Personally Im pretty sure without the end of that log showing i dont think anyone can find out the extract issue problem, probably will be able to find the problem mod though.

If full log cant be found, I'd suggest removing pams harvestcraft so it stops filling the logs and retest which should create a log with the full outputting needed to see the issue

radfast commented 6 years ago

ExtraPlanets and More Planets i know for sure dont have id conflicts 1.8+ unless they have been changed to conflict

@MJRLegends that's good to know :) And your tip of removing Pam's HarvestCraft to give a cleaner log is sound :)

I think there are still occasional reports of dimension conflicts, maybe because players have

Maybe we need at the game start some kind of full dimension conflict check, with a helpful error message or - even better - simply disabling the conflicting dimensions. I guess it's down to Galacticraft to do that, as being the "core" mod here. But I would appreciate your help in understanding where the conflicts actually arise - as far as you know, is it a dimension ID conflict or a dimension type ID conflict? Maybe you have configs for a setup which is known to crash? I can't say I'm actually rushing to want to do this, because it seems like something which will be harder if Sponge is present. But, I do not like it when players report "Galacticraft is crashing" and its actually a dimension ID conflict totally outside our own code.

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

I believe nothing has conflicts between More Planets and Extra Planets for 1.8+, GalaxySpace or AmunRa are currently still 1.7.10. the only other addons could be my other addons but they are small and are designed to work with More Planets and Extra Planets by default

manuwwa commented 6 years ago

Thank you all for such wonderfull dedication to fixing this. I've managed to collect full logs this time. latest.log fml-client-latest.log

I've conducted some more tests on multiple machines and multiple accounts, and here are the results: Let's say we have account A(my) and account B and machine A(my) and machine B: Account A + Machine A = crash Account A + Machine B = crash Account B + Machine B = no crash (we've tried multiple times)

Difference between account A and B, is that A has matter-overdrive (mod) android overlay. I'll try to reproduce this in some more situations : eg. changing my character back to normal steve (so overlay is gone), changing other character to android (to see if this bug will reproduce) I think that it will be impossible for me to reproduce this behaviour on new server instance (withot more planets and extra planets). Should I try anyway?

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

Your error is matter override


java.lang.NullPointerException: Null string not allowed
    at java.util.Objects.requireNonNull(Unknown Source) ~[?:1.8.0_161]
    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagString.<init>(NBTTagString.java:19) ~[gm.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound.func_74778_a(NBTTagCompound.java:137) ~[fy.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.entity.Entity.func_174823_aP(Entity.java:2810) ~[vg.class:?]
    at net.minecraft.entity.Entity.func_145748_c_(Entity.java:2742) ~[vg.class:?]
    at matteroverdrive.client.render.RenderMatterScannerInfoHandler.renderEntityInfo(RenderMatterScannerInfoHandler.java:208) ~[RenderMatterScannerInfoHandler.class:?]
    at matteroverdrive.client.render.RenderMatterScannerInfoHandler.renderInfo(RenderMatterScannerInfoHandler.java:137) ~[RenderMatterScannerInfoHandler.class:?]
manuwwa commented 6 years ago

Because game was crashing when i've entered space, so I thought it was galacticraft. I'll report it on correct github than.

Thanks for help

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

It could still be a issue for GC, have you tried with just matter override and GC?

MJRLegends commented 6 years ago

From the error is seems a entity that is trying to be rendered is returning something as null which isnt allowed to be null

manuwwa commented 6 years ago

I'm building a pack with galacticraft+matteroverdrive right now. I'll test it and as soon as it's done, I'll post the results here.

manuwwa commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, I was unable to crash the game with galacticraft+matteroverdrive only. I've tried both going to space and opening space map while I was on the overworld.

Here are the logs: fml-client-latest.log latest.log

Here's what I've got from matter-overdrive github: https://github.com/MatterOverdrive/MatterOverdrive/issues/106

What should I try next?

radfast commented 6 years ago

matteroverdrive.client.render.RenderMatterScannerInfoHandler.renderEntityInfo(RenderMatterScannerInfoHandler.java:208) ~[RenderMatterScannerInfoHandler.class:?]

MatterOverdrive here tries to scan and give info about every entity - at minimum, the entity's name.

It's possible Galacticraft caused this crash, because we have one invisible entity which has no name. This is an invisible vehicle which holds the player for as long as you are looking at the Celestial Map, so that the player does not fall or other bad stuff ...

I'll try giving that entity a name, see if that fixes the problem for you. Please try Galacticraft build 163 when it's available (maybe today, maybe tomorrow).

(MatterOverdrive could also fix the problem by making sure their mod doesn't crash if the entity has no name.)

radfast commented 6 years ago

@manuwwa build is now available to download - this should I hope fix the issue

manuwwa commented 6 years ago

it works. Thanks a lot. I checked