michael-milette / moodle-filter_filtercodes

FilterCodes filter for Moodle enables content creators to easily customize and personalize course and site content using plain text tags (no HTML). For premium support, contact us at https://www.tngconsulting.ca/contact
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bug: {sectionid} {sectionname} variables does not return ID and NAME when used in section. #288

Open marko-markopet opened 6 months ago

marko-markopet commented 6 months ago


What happened?

  1. {sectionid} {sectionname} does not return ID and NAME when used in section.
  2. {ifinsection} used in section returns "nothing".
  3. {ifnotinsection} used in section returns True.

What do you think should have happened?

I expected that variables {sectionid} or {sectionname} will return ID or Name when I use them anywhere in a section. I have trayed {sectionid} and {sectionname} in section and announcement with different results. /see pics/

Steps to reproduce

  1. Login as Course developer (specify user role)
  2. Write section description with {sectionid} and {sectionname}. Mark show description.
  3. Prewiew couse
  4. No SectionID and SectionName viewed in description.
  5. With Label activity = same result.


Used in section:


Used in announcement


Moodle version


Installed Moodle UI Language packs.

If other language(s), please specify

No response


No response

Additional information

No response

System information

Client Device type: Desktop Client Operating System: Windows 10 Pro Client Web Browser: Edge Server Operating System: Linux Server Webserver: dont know Server PHP: dont know

Code of Conduct

michael-milette commented 6 months ago

HI @marko-markopet

The tags you mentioned were meant to be use inside a course activities, not in a label on the course main page. The documentation could be clearer about this. As far as I can see, the tags work correctly inside a course activity or resource.

If you have other requirements, please provide provide a description of your requirements and details of how you will actually be using it.

Best regards,


marko-markopet commented 6 months ago

HI @marko-markopet

The tags you mentioned were meant to be use inside a course activities, not in a label on the course main page. The documentation could be clearer about this. As far as I can see, the tags work correctly inside a course activity or resource.

If you have other requirements, please provide provide a description of your requirements and details of how you will actually be using it.

Best regards,


Thank you for quick response. It is a big shame that tags do not work in Label. I need to repeat same text on end of each section, with name of current section. I used Label, because I know only this way how to place simple text on end of section. Best regards,
