michaelklishin / neocons

A feature rich idiomatic Clojure client for the Neo4J REST API
204 stars 32 forks source link

3.2.0 was not released to Clojars #91

Open beoliver opened 7 years ago

beoliver commented 7 years ago

Having added [clojurewerkz/neocons "3.2.0"] to project.clj dependencies as suggested by the README, when running lein deps I am getting the error:

Could not find artifact clojurewerkz:neocons:jar:3.2.0 in central (https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/)
Could not find artifact clojurewerkz:neocons:jar:3.2.0 in clojars (https://clojars.org/repo/)
This could be due to a typo in :dependencies or network issues.
If you are behind a proxy, try setting the 'http_proxy' environment variable.

Indeed after visiting clojars.org/clojurewerkz/neocons It would seem that the latest release hosted is: [clojurewerkz/neocons "3.1.0"]

tuddman commented 7 years ago

you're too quick! I updated the README in anticipation..

see https://github.com/michaelklishin/neocons/pull/89

3.2.0 should be out soon :)

tuddman commented 7 years ago

@michaelklishin friendly ping to see about cutting a preview 3.2.0 release? ;)

AndyKriger commented 7 years ago

It looks like this has not happened yet?

madeye-matt commented 7 years ago

bump 3.1.0 is in clojars but 3.2.0 isn't

tuddman commented 7 years ago

[tuddman/neocons "3.2.0-SNAPSHOT"] is available in the interim

madeye-matt commented 7 years ago

ok, thanks - I'll give it a whirl

tuddman commented 6 years ago

tuddman/neocons "3.2.1-SNAPSHOT" is also now available