michelesalvador / FamilyGem

Android app for genealogical trees
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Half siblings not properly exlcuded #107

Open aaannndddyyy opened 7 months ago

aaannndddyyy commented 7 months ago

When I select to display no sibling or uncles or great uncles , I'm still shown the numbers of half-siblings for parents. When I set everything except ancestors to zero, what I want to see is only my ancestors, not half-aunts or half-great uncles.

Often times the the displayed numbers are useful for knowing that there's more that's just not being shown , but sometimes they're aesthetically displeasing . If I want to print out a tree, I want a clean layout with the only numbers being the birthdates, death dates, marriage dates (and optionally age)

michelesalvador commented 4 months ago

When I select to display no sibling or uncles or great uncles , I'm still shown the numbers of halfsiblings for parents. When I set everything except ancestors to zero, what I want to see is only my ancestors, not half-aunts or half-great uncles.

I totally agree. Half-siblings numbers and also half-uncles must disappear in those cases. This will be done for the next release.

Often times the the displayed numbers are useful for knowing that there's more that's just not being shown , but sometimes they're aesthetically displeasing...

I agree. An option in Diagram Settings must be added to hide all those mini numbers. Just a doubt: how to label them?

aaannndddyyy commented 4 months ago

Just a doubt: how to label them?

  • Numbers
  • Relatives numbers
  • Overflow numbers
  • Mini cards
  • ...

Any of those would work. What matters to me is the functionality, not it's name. Could be "numbers of hidden relatives", "numbers of relatives not displayed", "numbers of further relatives on mini cards", .... Pick whichever you like from your lost and this. Or maybe someone else reading this issue wants to voice an opinion?