As reported by @xiki-tempula, pickling doesn't work for BioSimSpace systems with a triclinic "space" property. This is because we had forgotten to store the original box vectors used to instantiate the object (not those generated from the various box transformations, e.g. lattice reduction) so the streaming operators didn't work correctly. This would result in a crash when unpickling, due to all box vectors being zero. The error shown is as follows:
Exception 'SireMaths::math_error' thrown by the thread 'master'.
Matrix '/ 0, 0, 0 \
| 0, 0, 0 |
\ 0, 0, 0 /' cannot be inverted!
Thrown from FILE: /Users/runner/miniconda3/envs/sire_build/conda-bld/sire_1651855618549/work/corelib/src/libs/SireMaths/matrix.cpp, LINE: 534, FUNCTION: SireMaths::Matrix SireMaths::Matrix::inverse() const
As reported by @xiki-tempula, pickling doesn't work for BioSimSpace systems with a triclinic "space" property. This is because we had forgotten to store the original box vectors used to instantiate the object (not those generated from the various box transformations, e.g. lattice reduction) so the streaming operators didn't work correctly. This would result in a crash when unpickling, due to all box vectors being zero. The error shown is as follows: