With the introduction of the 'VAT Date', we would like to read all 'Date' parameters - including the VAT Date parameter - in codeunit 80 "Sales-Post" - ValidatePostingAndDocumentDate via a single publisher.
Please either add the VAT date parameters to OnValidatePostingAndDocumentDateOnAfterCalcPostingDateExists (and move the publishers one line lower), or introduce a new OnValidatePostingAndDocumentDateOnAfterGetParameters publishers will all parameters and obsolete OnValidatePostingAndDocumentDateOnAfterCalcPostingDateExists
OnBeforeValidatePostingAndDocumentDate(SalesHeader, SuppressCommit);
PostingDateExists :=
BatchProcessingMgt.GetBooleanParameter(SalesHeader.RecordId, Enum::"Batch Posting Parameter Type"::"Replace Posting Date", ReplacePostingDate) and
SalesHeader.RecordId, Enum::"Batch Posting Parameter Type"::"Replace Document Date", ReplaceDocumentDate) and
BatchProcessingMgt.GetDateParameter(SalesHeader.RecordId, Enum::"Batch Posting Parameter Type"::"Posting Date", PostingDate);
// OnValidatePostingAndDocumentDateOnAfterCalcPostingDateExists(PostingDateExists, ReplacePostingDate, ReplaceDocumentDate, PostingDate, SalesHeader, ModifyHeader); // Move to include the VAT Date fields
VATDateExists := BatchProcessingMgt.GetBooleanParameter(SalesHeader.RecordId, Enum::"Batch Posting Parameter Type"::"Replace VAT Date", ReplaceVATDate);
BatchProcessingMgt.GetDateParameter(SalesHeader.RecordId, Enum::"Batch Posting Parameter Type"::"VAT Date", VATDate);
OnValidatePostingAndDocumentDateOnAfterGetParameters(PostingDateExists, ReplacePostingDate, ReplaceDocumentDate, PostingDate, VATDateExists, ReplaceVATDate, VATDate, SalesHeader, ModifyHeader); // MOVE AND EXTEND PUBLISHER
if PostingDateExists and (ReplacePostingDate or (SalesHeader."Posting Date" = 0D)) then begin
SalesHeader."Posting Date" := PostingDate;
SalesHeader.Validate("Currency Code");
ModifyHeader := true;
[IntegrationEvent(false, false)]
local procedure OnValidatePostingAndDocumentDateOnAfterGetParameters(var PostingDateExists: Boolean; var ReplacePostingDate: Boolean; var ReplaceDocumentDate: Boolean; var PostingDate: Date; var VATDateExists: Boolean; var ReplaceVATDate: Boolean; var VATDate: Date; var SalesHeader: Record "Sales Header"; var ModifyHeader: Boolean)
Please provide the same in codeunit 90 "Purch.-Post" as well.
Describe the request
With the introduction of the 'VAT Date', we would like to read all 'Date' parameters - including the VAT Date parameter - in codeunit 80 "Sales-Post" - ValidatePostingAndDocumentDate via a single publisher.
Please either add the VAT date parameters to OnValidatePostingAndDocumentDateOnAfterCalcPostingDateExists (and move the publishers one line lower), or introduce a new OnValidatePostingAndDocumentDateOnAfterGetParameters publishers will all parameters and obsolete OnValidatePostingAndDocumentDateOnAfterCalcPostingDateExists
Please provide the same in codeunit 90 "Purch.-Post" as well.
Additional context
x Internal work item: AB#558144