microsoft / Azure-Kinect-Sensor-SDK

A cross platform (Linux and Windows) user mode SDK to read data from your Azure Kinect device.
MIT License
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Remembering Tracked Body #1205

Open eshirima opened 4 years ago

eshirima commented 4 years ago

Describe the bug

This is more of a curious inquiry. I have been using the sensor for a couple months and mainly utilising the body tracker. The tracker does a great job but every time a person walks out of the frame then back in again, a new ID is assigned. I am trying to map back folks who have walked out of the frame then back in again. With that in mind, is there a way to have a temporary memory of sorts that remembers people? Or is it possible to access the features returned by the body tracking network? Or maybe access the code that assigns IDs? If anyone has an idea of how to go about this, any help will be greatly appreciated.

To Reproduce Have multiple people walk in and out of the camera. New IDs will be assigned despite of them being the same folks beforehand.

eshirima commented 3 years ago

@qm13 With the body tracking model being closed-sourced, is their any portion of it that is open-source that can be tweaked? For example keeping the predicted body in memory longer, or doing comparisons of predicted bodies, etc. If not, could you provide some guidance on how to go about solving this problem?