microsoft / Azure_Kinect_ROS_Driver

A ROS sensor driver for the Azure Kinect Developer Kit.
MIT License
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How to reconstruct k4a::capture data #226

Open horibirds opened 3 years ago

horibirds commented 3 years ago

I would like to reconstruct k4a::capture data from rosbag. are these steps true?

  1. depth and ir data are recorded on rosbag.
  2. get calibration data from a device.
  3. create tracker with calibration data I got from device.
  4. each k4a::image is created from depth and ir data on rosbag.
  5. k4a::capture will be initialized and set k4a::image with its function set_depth_image() and set_ir_image() . 6 tracker will be able to detect poses with k4a::capture.

I have already tried them. Although it could detect poses, there is something different in position with the body tracking data that was recorded in real time. Why did the difference happen?