microsoft / Cognitive-Face-iOS

iOS SDK for the Microsoft Face API, part of Cognitive Services
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createLargePersonGroup error with 1.4.0 #48

Open abbana opened 6 years ago

abbana commented 6 years ago


I am using CocoaPod 1.4.0 , coding in Swift and have no issues with :

I am having issues when trying to add an image to the person.


self.faceClient.addPersonFace(withLargePersonGroupId: self.faceLargePersonGroup, personId: self.facePersonID, data: imageData, userData: "Image created on:", faceRectangle: nil, completionBlock: { (mMPOAddPersistedFaceResult, error) in

if (error != nil) {
    print("Error in addPersonFace error is : \(String(describing: error))")
else {


43EF-BA8A-08EA75F0E115>.<1> finished with error - code: -1002
Error in addPersonFace error is : Optional(Error Domain=POFaceServiceClient error - http response is not success :  Code=0 "(null)")

Endpoint I am using works flawlessy with the other methods. Large Group ID exsist , PersonID exsist , Data is correct (I have the same error if I use url instead)

I need some guidance to identify the error , the error log is not helping , and solve the issue.


huxuan commented 6 years ago
  1. the method name should be addPersonFaceWithLargePersonGroupId,
  2. Please double confirm the first parameter is a string of the LargePersonGroupId rather than instance of LargePersonGroup.
abbana commented 6 years ago


I am using 1.4.0 and if I try to use that method I have:

'addPersonFaceWithLargePersonGroupId(_:personId:data:userData:faceRectangle:completionBlock:)' has been renamed to 'addPersonFace(withLargePersonGroupId:personId:data:userData:faceRectangle:completionBlock:)'

And does not compile. Also the group is a string.

huxuan commented 6 years ago

Please try to upgrade to 1.4.1 as it is a bug fix release.

abbana commented 6 years ago


cocoa pod updated to 1.4.1 , forced group with a fixed string of a valid group, force PersonID with a fixed string of a valid person, nothing changed:

group is: test_01 , personID is 07f87e69-745c-4150-b05a-0c252f89beb9
Task <A72621C6-D940-49D6-958D-37B46D4D4EF9>.<1> finished with error - code: -1002
Error in addPersonFace error is : Error Domain=POFaceServiceClient error - http response is not success :  Code=0 "(null)"

Can you please try the 1.4.1 on xcode9.3.1 with swift on the lab and let us know?

We need to have this fixed as soon as possible.

Thank you so much.

abbana commented 6 years ago

Hi @huxuan ,

do you have any update on this please?