Microsoft.FeatureManagement provides standardized APIs for enabling feature flags within applications. Utilize this library to secure a consistent experience when developing applications that use patterns such as beta access, rollout, dark deployments, and more.
We want reader of telemetry to have more insight into the state of the feature flag.
Adds additional telemetry fields.
Added the same BytesExtension we have on the provider for Base64Url.
Adds and adjusts unit tests
Visible Changes
FeatureEvaluation events will have new fields:
VariantAssignmentPercentage - The percent of users we expect to be assigned the given variant for the given reason
DefaultWhenEnabled - The DefaultWhenEnabled field
AllocationId - An id that uniquely reflects the state of allocation. Two events with the same AllocationId can expect a given TargetingContext will always give the same result. **Note- This is instead computed in App Configuration Provider
Why this PR?
We want reader of telemetry to have more insight into the state of the feature flag.
Visible Changes