microsoft / HoloLens2ForCV

Sample code and documentation for using the Microsoft HoloLens 2 for Computer Vision research.
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stream recorder throws exception (reading PV and depth simultaneously) #146

Open mahdidBagheri opened 1 year ago

mahdidBagheri commented 1 year ago

After one or two week using hololens, stream recorder solution failed to work! It seems problem relates to capturing data from PV camera and other sensors(my hypothesis is AHAT sensor) I also tried to do same work (capturing PV and AHAT) with other methods. I tried Unity (async and non-async methods {stop one while capturing the other) and putting functions in Update) and UWP (regular functions and multi-threading and ... ) but non of these methods worked! Worst thing is that I can't even record or preview scene from hololens portal! ( the only one can see is the one wearing hololens!)