microsoft / Multilingual-App-Toolkit

This repo contains samples that demonstrate the localization workflow for users of the Multilingual Application Toolkit Visual Studio extension and editor. You can also use GitHub Issues to submit feedback, report bugs, or ask questions.
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Azure provider not clear where it is set or if it is set #14

Open wstaelens opened 1 year ago

wstaelens commented 1 year ago


1> The Microsoft Translator provider credentials were not found. Microsoft Translator provider requires an active Azure subscription, for which you may supply the key. In the editor, go to File | Settings to configure this provider. In the extension, go to Tools | Options | Multilingual App Toolkit to configure this provider.


Nothing has been configured. Maybe from the past but I don't use it anymore. Nothing to see if there was something configured now or in the past.

Also where do I find this: "In the extension, go to Tools | Options | Multilingual App Toolkit to configure this provider. "

Each time I add a language or run the editor I get this message. Where is it configured? as it seems to fail because it is unavailable...


chrisg32 commented 9 months ago

Any updates on this?

I have Visual Studio 2022 with the Multilingual App Toolkit v4.2.3 (VS 2022+) plugin installed.

I configure the Microsoft Translator in settings with a valid Azure Translator subscription key and region (southcentralus). After I click OK and reopen settings the region is not set and the key will blank if I restart Visual Studio.


If I try to use the translator I get this error message:

An error was encountered while loading the Microsoft Translation provider. Go to Tools -> Options -> Multilingual App Toolkit to configure it.



chrisg32 commented 9 months ago

This was solved by setting the settings in the Multilingual Editor instead of with the Visual Studio extension.


Be sure you have a version that of the MAT editor that has the settings in it. Older versions do not have this ability.