microsoft / PowerBI-Tools-For-Capacities

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update chinese azure login method #16

Open daviddhc20120601 opened 4 years ago

daviddhc20120601 commented 4 years ago

in china the azure china URL and login method are different, please check this out.

link to this issue

daviddhc20120601 commented 4 years ago

can someone help review this?@DavidMagarMS @sergeig888

sergeig888 commented 4 years ago

It probably makes sense to add support for all environments available in PS modules. I personally would leave environment as an instruction in the comments. It is one time switch.

daviddhc20120601 commented 4 years ago

It probably makes sense to add support for all environments available in PS modules. I personally would leave environment as an instruction in the comments. It is one time switch.

I agree, however, there is currently no information about this anywhere online. I made a phone call to Azure China with a support ticket to understand this. Hope the next developer can save this effort.

furmangg commented 4 years ago

The list of environments is documented here: