microsoft / Windows-driver-samples

This repo contains driver samples prepared for use with Microsoft Visual Studio and the Windows Driver Kit (WDK). It contains both Universal Windows Driver and desktop-only driver samples.
Microsoft Public License
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Improve version info, vsix installation, and update building locally documentation #1190

Closed middlemose closed 1 week ago

middlemose commented 1 week ago

Additional improvements to the maintenance and documentation of the CI pipeline.

middlemose commented 1 week ago

Install vsix output:

** Visual Studio 2022 Developer PowerShell v17.10.3
** Copyright (c) 2022 Microsoft Corporation
---> Downloading vsix version: 10.0.26100.1
Downloaded VSIX Version: 10.0.26100.1
<--- Download complete
---> Configuring build environment...
Installed VSIX Version: 10.0.26100.1
<--- Configuration complete
middlemose commented 1 week ago

Build info output:

Build Environment:          GitHub
Build Number:               26100
Nuget Package Version:      10.0.26100.1
WDK VSIX Version:           10.0.26100.1
Samples:                    132
Configurations:             1 (Release)
Platforms:                  1 (x64)
InfVerif_AdditionalOptions: /samples
Combinations:               132
LogicalProcessors:          4
ThrottleFactor:             5
ThrottleLimit:              20
Disk Remaining (GB):        144.584812164307
T: Combinations
B: Built
R: Build is running currently
P: Build is pending an available build slot
S: Built and result was 'Succeeded'
E: Built and result was 'Excluded'
U: Built and result was 'Unsupported' (Platform and Configuration combination)
F: Built and result was 'Failed'
O: Built and result was 'Sporadic'
Building all combinations...
middlemose commented 1 week ago

Building samples locally passed.

Build Environment:          NuGet
Build Number:               26100
Nuget Package Version:      10.0.26100.1
WDK VSIX Version:           10.0.26100.1
Samples:                    132
Configurations:             2 (Debug Release)
Platforms:                  2 (x64 arm64)
InfVerif_AdditionalOptions: /samples
Combinations:               528
LogicalProcessors:          20
ThrottleFactor:             5
ThrottleLimit:              100
Disk Remaining (GB):        742.531757354736
Built all combinations.

Elapsed time:         13 minutes, 17 seconds.
Disk Remaining (GB):  734.718753814697
Samples:              132
Configurations:       2 (Debug Release)
Platforms:            2 (x64 arm64)
Combinations:         528
Succeeded:            526
Excluded:             0
Unsupported:          2
Failed:               0
Sporadic:             0
Log files directory:  D:\my_stuff\Windows-driver-samples\_logs
Overview report:      D:\my_stuff\Windows-driver-samples\_logs\_overview.htm
