I have experienced an error in the following snippet of the code (around line 1022):
Check for UPN style old name and convert to domain\username for SPN work items
If ($OldName.ToString() -match "`@")
$OldName = ($OldName.Split("`@")[1]).ToString() + "\" + ($OldName.Split("`@")[0]).ToString()
Write-Host "`tUsing $OldName in order to meet SPN requirements" -ForegroundColor "gray"
($ElapsedTime.Elapsed.ToString())+" [INFO] Using $OldName in order to meet SPN requirements" | Out-File $LogPath -Append
The error occurred because the old ADFS Service user was in the UPN format AND the domain part is not the same domain to use in the format 'domain\user'.
To solve, I need to change the user format in ADFS Service to 'domain\user' before to run the script again.
I have experienced an error in the following snippet of the code (around line 1022):
Check for UPN style old name and convert to domain\username for SPN work items
The error occurred because the old ADFS Service user was in the UPN format AND the domain part is not the same domain to use in the format 'domain\user'.
To solve, I need to change the user format in ADFS Service to 'domain\user' before to run the script again.