microsoft / azure-container-apps

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Feature Request: Government Cloud Support #612

Open scottc-WellSky opened 2 years ago

scottc-WellSky commented 2 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
Our solutions are deployed to Commercial and Government Cloud. Without Government Cloud support, we'd have to create two different versions of our solution, which isn't an option.

Describe the solution you'd like.
Support Azure Container Apps on Government Cloud.

Describe alternatives you've considered.
Use AKS or App Services on Government Cloud, but neither a good option because of additional effort to support multiple versions of our solution.

jordanbean-msft commented 1 year ago

My customer also wants to use this service in Azure Government

jordanabakerafs commented 1 year ago

Popping in to add that I also support a gov customer, and this option would be attractive to us over AKS in situations where we need to implement basic autoscaling but do want want the overhead required in managing a cluster.

For example - self-hosted runners.

jordanrbaker commented 1 year ago

Bumping this up, has there been any movement or discussion about potential availability of container apps in usgov?

ravnur-dev commented 1 year ago

Really would like to see this in MAG. This is another example why we strongly advise our customers to reconsider the MAG cloud unless it is absolutely unavoidable.

jmp601 commented 1 year ago

Is govcloud even being worked on Microsoft anymore? I never see movement on any release notes for it.

fvilches17 commented 9 months ago

Any progress here?

jordanabakerafs commented 9 months ago

Any progress here?

ACA became available in GCC High about a month ago, we did some prelim testing and it appears to function as expected.


@SophCarp can you confirm?

fvilches17 commented 9 months ago

@jordanabakerafs which region(s) are meant to be supported at the moment?

It looks like only USGov Virginia allows the deployment of Container App Environments.

Weirdly enough, I deployed a CAE to UsGov Arizona about 2 months ago. But it seems support for Arizona was dropped. Now I can't even delete the instance I had deployed. This is what I get when trying to delete it:

ERROR: (NoRegisteredProviderFound) No registered resource provider found for location 'usgovarizona' and API version '2023-05-01' for type 'managedEnvironments'. The supported api-versions are '2023-05-01, 2023-05-02-preview, 2023-08-01-preview, 2023-11-02-preview, 2024-03-01'. The supported locations are 'usgovvirginia'.
jordanabakerafs commented 9 months ago

@jordanabakerafs which region(s) are meant to be supported at the moment?

It looks like only USGov Virginia allows the deployment of Container App Environments.

Weirdly enough, I deployed a CAE to UsGov Arizona about 2 months ago. But it seems support for Arizona was dropped. Now I can't even delete the instance I had deployed. This is what I get when trying to delete it:

ERROR: (NoRegisteredProviderFound) No registered resource provider found for location 'usgovarizona' and API version '2023-05-01' for type 'managedEnvironments'. The supported api-versions are '2023-05-01, 2023-05-02-preview, 2023-08-01-preview, 2023-11-02-preview, 2024-03-01'. The supported locations are 'usgovvirginia'.

Now that I go back in and check - it looks like the create button isn't there. We're primarily in usgovvirginia and it looks like they may have rolled it out to that region only. If you don't get a response here, I'd recommend reaching out via the ACA discord server. The devs are generally responsive.