Open youseai opened 10 months ago
I am sharing my code below, all the permissions are set and required dependencies are imported. Whenever the app is started and button is presses, it only shows "Listening" no speech result. Please help with this
import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {SPEECH_KEY, SPEECH_REGION} from '@env'; import { Button, Pressable, SafeAreaView, ScrollView, StatusBar, StyleSheet, Text, PermissionsAndroid, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, useColorScheme, View, } from 'react-native'; import 'react-native-get-random-values'; import 'node-libs-react-native/globals';
import { AudioConfig, AudioInputStream, AudioStreamFormat, CancellationDetails, CancellationReason, NoMatchDetails, NoMatchReason, ResultReason, SpeechConfig, SpeechRecognizer, } from 'microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk';
import LiveAudioStream from 'react-native-live-audio-stream';
export default App = () => { LiveAudioStream.init({ sampleRate: 16000, bufferSize: 4096, channels: 1, bitsPerChannel: 16, audioSource: 6, });
const pushStream = AudioInputStream.createPushStream();
LiveAudioStream.on('data', data => { const pcmData = Buffer.from(data, 'base64'); pushStream.write(pcmData); });
const speechConfig = SpeechConfig.fromSubscription(SPEECH_KEY, SPEECH_REGION); speechConfig.speechRecognitionLanguage = 'en-US'; const audioConfig = AudioConfig.fromStreamInput( pushStream, AudioStreamFormat.getWaveFormatPCM(16000, 16, 1), ); const recognizer = new SpeechRecognizer(speechConfig, audioConfig);
recognizer.recognizing = (s, e) => { console.log(RECOGNIZING: Text=${e.result.text}); };
RECOGNIZING: Text=${e.result.text}
recognizer.recognized = (s, e) => { console.log(RECOGNIZED: Text=${e.result.text}); console.log(e.result); }
RECOGNIZED: Text=${e.result.text}
return ( <SafeAreaView style={{flexGrow: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}> <Pressable style={{padding: 15, backgroundColor: 'white', borderRadius: 15}} onPress={() => { console.log('Listening'); LiveAudioStream.start(); }}> <Text style={{color: 'black'}}>Micstream start <Pressable style={{padding: 15, backgroundColor: 'white', borderRadius: 15}} onPress={() => { console.log('Stopping'); LiveAudioStream.stop(); }}> <Text style={{color: 'black'}}>Micstream stop ); };
I am sharing my code below, all the permissions are set and required dependencies are imported. Whenever the app is started and button is presses, it only shows "Listening" no speech result. Please help with this
import React, {Component} from 'react'; import {SPEECH_KEY, SPEECH_REGION} from '@env'; import { Button, Pressable, SafeAreaView, ScrollView, StatusBar, StyleSheet, Text, PermissionsAndroid, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, useColorScheme, View, } from 'react-native'; import 'react-native-get-random-values'; import 'node-libs-react-native/globals';
import { AudioConfig, AudioInputStream, AudioStreamFormat, CancellationDetails, CancellationReason, NoMatchDetails, NoMatchReason, ResultReason, SpeechConfig, SpeechRecognizer, } from 'microsoft-cognitiveservices-speech-sdk';
import LiveAudioStream from 'react-native-live-audio-stream';
export default App = () => { LiveAudioStream.init({ sampleRate: 16000, bufferSize: 4096, channels: 1, bitsPerChannel: 16, audioSource: 6, });
const pushStream = AudioInputStream.createPushStream();
LiveAudioStream.on('data', data => { const pcmData = Buffer.from(data, 'base64'); pushStream.write(pcmData); });
const speechConfig = SpeechConfig.fromSubscription(SPEECH_KEY, SPEECH_REGION); speechConfig.speechRecognitionLanguage = 'en-US'; const audioConfig = AudioConfig.fromStreamInput( pushStream, AudioStreamFormat.getWaveFormatPCM(16000, 16, 1), ); const recognizer = new SpeechRecognizer(speechConfig, audioConfig);
recognizer.recognizing = (s, e) => { console.log(
RECOGNIZING: Text=${e.result.text}
); };recognizer.recognized = (s, e) => { console.log(
RECOGNIZED: Text=${e.result.text}
); console.log(e.result); }recognizer.startContinuousRecognitionAsync();
return ( <SafeAreaView style={{flexGrow: 1, justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center'}}> <Pressable style={{padding: 15, backgroundColor: 'white', borderRadius: 15}} onPress={() => { console.log('Listening'); LiveAudioStream.start(); }}> <Text style={{color: 'black'}}>Micstream start <Pressable style={{padding: 15, backgroundColor: 'white', borderRadius: 15}} onPress={() => { console.log('Stopping'); LiveAudioStream.stop(); }}> <Text style={{color: 'black'}}>Micstream stop ); };