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Silent install failing for .net 4.8 after October 2023 windows updates #1408

Open dbond007 opened 9 months ago

dbond007 commented 9 months ago

I have a windows server build based around packer and ansible. This has been working for a few years now. Packer builds a base windows template (for ESXi,, this includes updating and installing base software like AV, Splunk forwarder, nsclient etc. This VM is cleaned up and a template created. This runs all ok, has for years.

This template is then used to build additional templates, for specific roles. One of them includes the installation of .net 4.8 on server 2019 standard (with GUI). This has worked up until this month. After creating a new base template with October updates, the dot net installer now fails, running it manually works.

There are 2 error codes:

0x800706d9: Failed to open the current cluster
0x80004005: Failed to extract all files out of box container #0.

With selecting the directory to extract to between.

I have tested this with the previous template, that builds with last months updates, but after installing this months, the above happens.

This is being installed with the all in one offline installer :

installed via ansible, onto a windows server 2019 standard:

- name: Ensure dot net 4.8 installed (Citrix Workspace App dependency)
    path: '{{ win_software_source }}\Microsoft\dotNetFramework\4.8\ndp48-x86-x64-allos-enu.exe'
    arguments: '/q /norestart /log'
    product_id: '{16735AF7-1D8D-3681-94A5-C578A61EC832}'
    state: present
  become: true
  become_method: runas
  become_flags: logon_type=new_credentials logon_flags=netcredentials_only
    ansible_become_user: "{{ fileshare_user }}"
    ansible_become_password: "{{ fileshare_password }}"
  register: dotnet_install

Switching to the .msu files from the update catalogue works fine.