microsoft / restler-fuzzer

RESTler is the first stateful REST API fuzzing tool for automatically testing cloud services through their REST APIs and finding security and reliability bugs in these services.
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Wrong Content-Length if request contains a body #846

Open cyrusste opened 5 months ago

cyrusste commented 5 months ago


Restler gives a wrong Content-Length if the request contains a body.

Related codes can be seen:, line 192.

        if "Content-Length: " not in message:
                contentlen = len(message[_get_start_of_body(message):])
                message = _append_to_header(message, f"Content-Length: {contentlen}")
        def _get_end_of_header(message):
            return message.index(DELIM)

        def _get_start_of_body(message):
            return _get_end_of_header(message) + len(DELIM)

For example, a request message with payload would be: <...>\r\n\r\n<payload>\r\n

Last 2 chars in message is "\r\n", which should not be counted into Content-Length.

Something like this would sovle the problem..?

start_of_body =_get_start_of_body(message)
if start_of_body == len(message):
  contentlen = 0
  contentlen = len(message[start_of_body:-2])

Steps to reproduce

Just demo_server can reproduce the problem.

PUT "/api/blog/posts/{postId}" has a requestBody. By compiling and testing, and checking, you could reproduce the problem.

Expected results

No response

Actual results

No response

Environment details

No response