microsoft / vs-tools-for-ai

Visual Studio Tools for AI is a free Visual Studio extension to build, test, and deploy deep learning / AI solutions. It seamlessly integrates with Azure Machine Learning for robust experimentation capabilities, including but not limited to submitting data preparation and model training jobs transparently to different compute targets. Additionally, it provides support for custom metrics and run history tracking, enabling data science reproducibility and auditing. Enterprise ready collaboration, allow to securely work on project with other people.
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CNTK .NET support #2

Closed Sam7 closed 6 years ago

Sam7 commented 7 years ago

Great to see Microsofts commitment to AI. MS has always pioneered the idea that serving developers should be a huge priority.

And as much as I appreciate that you're supporting Python and Tensorflow as they are the industry standard, I'd love to see much more integrated tools with CNTK .NET in a way to draw in the average c# developer. There is a huge potential here.

Another thought... Just as 3D rendering used to be a developers task (remember Pov Ray 😄) and is now all achieved through very comprehensive editors. I'm confident AI will go the same way, so get your ducks in a row ;)

Thanks for the great work you're doing here!

chris-lauren commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your feedback! Agreed that .net support is important...have you seen the new c# bindings for cntk ?

Sam7 commented 7 years ago

@chris-lauren Yes I've been playing with those, but the current C# API is not super well documented yet, with very view examples. That's why I'd love to have a plugin that supports setting up new experiments.