microsoftgraph / msgraph-metadata

Microsoft Graph metadata captured and used for generating client library code files.
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All "HTTP method not found for path" issues #547

Open isvargasmsft opened 8 months ago

isvargasmsft commented 8 months ago

The following table represents all the HTTP method not found for path issues: <html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" xmlns:o="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" xmlns:x="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel" xmlns="">

Column1 | Service | Endpoint | Verb | URL | $ref -- | -- | -- | -- | -- | -- 1 | User sites | followed sites | POST | /v1.0/users/{user-id}/followedSites/remove | n 2 | User activities | Activities | PUT | /v1.0/me/activities/12345 | n 3 | Teams | Schedule time off | PUT | /v1.0/teams/{teamId}/schedule/timesOff/{timeOffId} | n 4 | Groups | remove rejected sender | DELETE | /v1.0/groups/{id}/rejectedSenders/$ref?$id={user-id} | y 5 | Identity governance | custom workflow extensions | PUT | /v1.0/identityGovernance/entitlementManagement/catalogs/32efb28c-9a7a-446c-986b-ca6528c6669d/customWorkflowExtensions/78ffaec5-ae8e-4902-a434-5ffc5d3d3cd0 | n 6 | identity | identity providers | POST | /v1.0/identity/b2xUserFlows/B2X_1_Partner/identityProviders/$ref | y 7 | directory | getUserOwnedObjects | POST | /v1.0/directory/deletedItems/getUserOwnedObjects | n 8 | Groups | accepted senders | DELETE | /v1.0/groups/{id}/acceptedSenders/$ref?$id={user-id} | y 9 | Calendar | calendar | DELETE | /v1.0/me/calendar | n 10 | Identity governance | decisions for user | POST | /v1.0/identityGovernance/accessReviews/definitions/57457d7c-af59-470c-ae71-aa72c657fe0f/instances/ad0dd148-5d16-4cfd-86e9-ab502f819aaf/decisions/4d79fbf6-36e6-430b-ba0a-2a727a480303 | n 11 | Identity governance | decisions | POST | /v1.0/identityGovernance/accessReviews/definitions/57457d7c-af59-470c-ae71-aa72c657fe0f/instances/ad0dd148-5d16-4cfd-86e9-ab502f819aaf/decisions/62fd1c5b-04b8-4703-9fd7-dce6232c3775 | n 12 | Teams | shifts | PUT | /v1.0/teams/{teamId}/schedule/shifts/{shiftId} | n 13 | Identity governance | custom workflow extensions | PUT | /v1.0/identityGovernance/entitlementManagement/catalogs/32efb28c-9a7a-446c-986b-ca6528c6669d/customWorkflowExtensions/98ffaec5-ae8e-4902-a434-5ffc5d3d3cd0 | n 14 | applications | templates | PUT | /v1.0/applications/{id}/synchronization/templates/{templateId} | n 15 | User activities | history items | PUT | /v1.0/me/activities/{activity-id}/historyItems/{item-id} | n 16 | Excel | range | PATCH | /v1.0/me/drive/items/{id}/workbook/worksheets/{sheet-id}/range(address='A1:B2') | n 17 | service principals | app management policies | POST | /v1.0/servicePrincipals/{id}/appManagementPolicies/$ref | y 18 | User activities | history items | PUT | /v1.0/me/activities/{activity-id}/historyItems/{item-id} | n 19 | security | custodian sources | POST | /v1.0/security/cases/ediscoveryCases/b0073e4e-4184-41c6-9eb7-8c8cc3e2288b/searches/c61a5860-d634-4d14-aea7-d82b6f4eb7af/custodianSources/$ref | y 20 | teams | scheduling groups | PUT | /v1.0/teams/{teamId}/schedule/schedulingGroups/{schedulingGroupId} | n 21 | service principals | jobs | PUT | /v1.0/servicePrincipals/{servicePrincipalId}/synchronization/jobs/{jobId}/schema | n 22 | User sites | followed sites | POST | /v1.0/users/{user-id}/followedSites/add | n 23 | one note | section Groups | POST | /v1.0/me/onenote/sectionGroups/{id}/sectionGroups | n 24 | User activities | Activities | PUT | /v1.0/me/activities/3F12345 | n 25 | places | places | GET | /v1.0/places/979e9793-3e91-40eb-b18c-0ea937893956 | n 26 | policies | indentity Synchronization | PATCH | /v1.0/policies/crossTenantAccessPolicy/partners/90e29127-71ad-49c7-9ce8-db3f41ea06f1/identitySynchronization | n 27 | security | non custodial sources | POST | /v1.0/security/cases/ediscoveryCases/b0073e4e-4184-41c6-9eb7-8c8cc3e2288b/searches/c61a5860-d634-4d14-aea7-d82b6f4eb7af/noncustodialSources/$ref | y 28 | policies | admin consent request policy | PUT | /v1.0/policies/adminConsentRequestPolicy | n 29 | one note | content | PATCH | /v1.0/me/onenote/pages/{id}/content | n 30 | user | photo | DELETE | /v1.0/me/photo/$value | n 31 | places | places | GET | /v1.0/places/ | n 32 | intune | managed device overview | PATCH | /v1.0/deviceManagement/managedDeviceOverview | n 33 | intune | software update status summary | PATCH | /v1.0/deviceManagement/softwareUpdateStatusSummary | n 34 | teams | open shifts | PUT | /v1.0/teams/3d88b7a2-f988-4f4b-bb34-d66df66af126/schedule/openShifts/OPNSHFT_577b75d2-a927-48c0-a5d1-dc984894e7b8 | n 35 | service principals | remote desktop security config | POST | /v1.0/servicePrincipals/00af5dfb-85da-4b41-a677-0c6b86dd34f8/remoteDesktopSecurityConfiguration | n 36 | service principals | jobs | PUT | /v1.0/servicePrincipals/{id}/synchronization/jobs/{jobId}/schema | n 37 | teams | time off reasons | PUT | /v1.0/teams/{teamId}/schedule/timeOffReasons/{timeOffReasonId} | n

isvargasmsft commented 8 months ago

@irvinesunday I put together this table with all the issues in this category. Please let me know if you want access to the Excel file on the side.

isvargasmsft commented 8 months ago

CC: @MaggieKimani1 for visibility.

isvargasmsft commented 7 months ago

@petrhollayms @adhiambovivian