mifi / instauto

Instagram bot / automation library written in Javascript for Node.js
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Is this the right settings to only unfollow who doesn't follow back? #49

Closed rjworks closed 3 years ago

rjworks commented 3 years ago

'use strict';

const puppeteer = require('puppeteer'); // eslint-disable-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies

const Instauto = require('instauto'); // eslint-disable-line import/no-unresolved

const options = { cookiesPath: './cookies.json',

username: 'test', password: 'test',

// Global limit that prevents follow or unfollows (total) to exceed this number over a sliding window of one hour: maxFollowsPerHour: 20, // Global limit that prevents follow or unfollows (total) to exceed this number over a sliding window of one day: maxFollowsPerDay: 150, // (NOTE setting the above parameters too high will cause temp ban/throttle)

maxLikesPerDay: 50,

// Don't follow users that have a followers / following ratio less than this: followUserRatioMin: 0.2, // Don't follow users that have a followers / following ratio higher than this: followUserRatioMax: 4.0, // Don't follow users who have more followers than this: followUserMaxFollowers: null, // Don't follow users who have more people following them than this: followUserMaxFollowing: null, // Don't follow users who have less followers than this: followUserMinFollowers: null, // Don't follow users who have more people following them than this: followUserMinFollowing: null,

dontUnfollowUntilTimeElapsed: 0,

// Usernames that we should not touch, e.g. your friends and actual followings excludeUsers: [],

// If true, will not do any actions (defaults to true) dryRun: false, };

(async () => { let browser;

try { browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false });

// Create a database where state will be loaded/saved to
const instautoDb = await Instauto.JSONDB({
  // Will store a list of all users that have been followed before, to prevent future re-following.
  followedDbPath: './followed.json',
  // Will store all unfollowed users here
  unfollowedDbPath: './unfollowed.json',
  // Will store all likes here
  likedPhotosDbPath: './liked-photos.json',

const instauto = await Instauto(instautoDb, browser, options);

// List of usernames that we should follow the followers of, can be celebrities etc.

// const usersToFollowFollowersOf = [''];

// Now go through each of these and follow a certain amount of their followers

// await instauto.followUsersFollowers({ usersToFollowFollowersOf, skipPrivate: true, enableLikeImages: true });

await instauto.sleep(10 * 60 * 1000);

// This is used to unfollow people - auto-followed AND manually followed -
// who are not following us back, after some time has passed
// (config parameter dontUnfollowUntilTimeElapsed)
await instauto.unfollowNonMutualFollowers();

await instauto.sleep(10 * 60 * 1000);

// Unfollow auto-followed users (regardless of whether they are following us)
// after a certain amount of days

// await instauto.unfollowOldFollowed({ ageInDays: 60 });

console.log('Done running');

await instauto.sleep(30000);

} catch (err) { console.error(err); } finally { console.log('Closing browser'); if (browser) await browser.close(); } })();

rjworks commented 3 years ago

seems it is