miguelcordovam / leJOS_plugin

leJOS plugin for Intellij Idea
8 stars 4 forks source link

Is this project still alive? #12

Open viniciusccarvalho opened 5 years ago

viniciusccarvalho commented 5 years ago

It's very nice to use intellij and not eclipse, but it seems the project is no longer being maintained. @miguelcordovam Are you still looking into issues and improvements? I'm having issues with getting it working, specially when an error of the program occur, there's no "stop" button for the cofiguration, reload does not seems to work, and I need to restart the ide to redeploy.

If the project is no longer maintained, I'll just switch to eclipse :(

miguelcordovam commented 5 years ago

Hi, I look into issues only on my free time. I'll try to fix some of them but cannot promise anything. Thanks for using the plugin.

viniciusccarvalho commented 5 years ago

Have you tried using it with kotlin 1.3 and intellij 2018.3? I can't get it to work at all. I get ClassNotFoundErrors, seems that the jar being created does not have the kotlin stdlib on it, but there's this message on the console:

Checking if Kotlin runtime is in the brick
Kotlin runtime is already in the brick...

Which I have no idea where it came from (looked everywhere in this repo for that string), not sure if the brick libs contains the right libs

What exactly does the jar should look like? I was expecting it to contain all the libs in the classpath, which seems it does by looking at it

Class-Path: /home/root/lejos/lib/ev3classes.jar /home/root/lejos/lib/o
 pencv-2411.jar /home/root/lejos/lib/dbusjava.jar /home/root/lejos/lib
 jna/usr/share/java/jna.jar /home/root/lejos/lib/kotlin-runtime.jar

But this does not seems to be what I intended to have on my project:


Where does the kotlin runtime gets copied from/to?


miguelcordovam commented 5 years ago

Hi, I haven't tried with kotlin 1.3. The plugin copies kotlin jars to the brick if they are not found. That code is not committed to this repo. You can copy it manually to the brick, and it should work. I lost that code in my old computer. Try copying those jars to the lib folder in your classpath.

viniciusccarvalho commented 5 years ago

I tried copying the jars manually, and also erasing some old stale ones. Like I said, it seems the plugin crashes if something bad happens and then you need to restart the IDE and then /home/root/lejos/lib ends up with a few wrong libs (in my case I changed a version for instance of the kotlin-jre -> jdk)

But even after modifying that, the manifest that is generated is still pointing to kotlin-runtime.jar (which does not exist) and not the proper libs: jdk7, stdlib, reflect ...

I've ended up giving up on it for now, created a maven pom file with a custom jar manifest pointing to all the libs on /home/root/lejos/lib` and then using a scp ant task to scp the file.

I hope the plugins catch up looking forward to try it again.