mikecann / mikecann.co.uk

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The Cube #132

Open mikecann opened 1 year ago

mikecann commented 1 year ago

The Cube


mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Hasse' @2020-05-24 06:53:31_

Great project! I would love to see a detailed video about the software part as well!

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Paul Bourke' @2020-12-25 10:52:07_

Another option for mounting might be a bolt or similar socket on one corner so it could be suspended.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'satyar' @2020-12-25 10:57:12_

Hi there, awesome :)

If you make an equilateral triangle 'version', you can tile a lot of them up to make a self-illuminating, projector-less, personal DOME! Next step - Kickstarter...

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Paul Bourke' @2020-12-25 11:05:05_

Actually you can buy triangular panels, and other shapes. And the LED dome, at the big end of town, has been done, see

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'satyar' @2020-12-25 11:15:03_

OMG, I had no idea. I'd been 'searching' for years (since the early 2000s), but had stopped looking.

That E&S link talks about DomeX, wonderful. Looks like companies such as SDIP Light sell individual panels: https://www.sdiplight.com/s...

Going to start saving up :)

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikeysee' @2020-12-26 11:09:27_

Wow nice! I bet that thing isnt cheap!

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikeysee' @2020-12-26 11:09:41_

Ye, suspending it would be cool!

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Mike M' @2021-01-04 10:42:14_

Do you have a parts list? It wasnt obvious from the three pages I visited. For those with limited budget one off parts and those that you need to multiply approx 6 times....

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikeysee' @2021-01-04 11:55:14_

Haha ye maybe if I get some spare time :)

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'Caleb Smith' @2021-02-12 01:53:22_

Hey Mike!

Very cool and interesting project! Love the ingenuity and creativity!

I just had some questions about your web and app interface. I noticed you were using Visual Studio as your IDE, but did you get a web app setup and just use that from your phone or do you have an actual .apk or .isp file as well that you can compile from the same source code? I've used VS in the past to work on some gaming applications, but never knew about this. I have a project that I could really use this type of setup for, but don't have a good starting point for it.

I also liked how you started to mention that you had all the data synced between the two.

If you had any resources you'd be willing to share about this process and type of deployment, I would be so grateful.

mikecann commented 1 year ago

imported Disqus comment by 'mikeysee' @2021-02-13 11:04:50_

Hi Caleb,

Ye its just a web app so just standard web development stuff :)

No info on the data syncing but just look at the Firebase docs, its pretty straightformward stuff.
