mikeizbicki / modulus-magnus-linguae

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Hello #50

Open irajmoradi opened 1 year ago

irajmoradi commented 1 year ago

Permit me to beseech your esteemed presence at an assembly scheduled to transpire on the morrow. The rendezvous of our impending encounter has been chosen to be 'Arrufos', an establishment of considerable repute, chosen with great consideration, presumably meeting the tastes and preferences that we collectively share.

In regard to the chronological specifics associated with the proposed congregation, it is envisioned that the clock will strike the eleventh hour of the forenoon, a period widely recognised to be suitable for engagements of both a professional and social nature. This choice of time, it is hoped, will permit your attendance without undue inconvenience, thus enabling a most productive encounter.

I implore you to mark this time and locale in your daily organiser, such that the impending event can occupy a place of importance within your schedule for the day. It is, after all, a shared anticipation that our encounter shall yield fruitful outcomes.