mikesprague / teams-incoming-webhook-action

GitHub Action that sends an AdaptiveCard notification to an MS Teams Incoming Webhook
MIT License
24 stars 4 forks source link

Cannot read properties of null (reading 'login') #143

Closed ArthurNRL closed 1 year ago

ArthurNRL commented 1 year ago

Getting an error while using deploy-card: true

      - name: Send message
        uses: mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action@v1.10.3
          github-token: ${{ inputs.token }} # this will use the runner's token.
          webhook-url: ${{ inputs.webhook-url }}
          color: ${{ inputs.level }}
          title: ${{ inputs.message }}
          deploy-card: true
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'login')
    at populateCard (file:///D:/a/_actions/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action/v1.10.3/webpack:/teams-incoming-webhook-action/src/lib/cards/deploy.ts:39:1)
Error: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'login')
    at file:///D:/a/_actions/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action/v1.10.3/webpack:/teams-incoming-webhook-action/src/index.ts:97:1
    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (file:///D:/a/_actions/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action/v1.10.3/webpack:/teams-incoming-webhook-action/src/index.ts:28:1)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
mikesprague commented 1 year ago

I'll need some more information if you want help with this, such as the complete workflow and the full logs from the failed workflow run.

It looks like you're using the Action differently than documented since you are using inputs to populate it.

If I had to guess, you are trying to use it in a reusable workflow and not passing the required info from the calling workflow but that's just a guess with the limited information supplied.

ArthurNRL commented 1 year ago

Yes sure here you go:

## notify/action.yml
name: Notify
description: |
  This action will send a notification to a teams channel.

    description: 'If true, only checks if cache entry exists and skips download. Does not change save cache behavior.'
    required: true
    default: false
    description: 'If true, only checks if cache entry exists and skips download. Does not change save cache behavior.'
    required: false
    default: 'info'
    description: 'Github token'
    required: true
    description: 'Teams webhook uri'
    required: true

  using: "composite"
      - name: Send message
        uses: mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action@v1.10.3
          github-token: ${{ inputs.token }} # this will use the runner's token.
          webhook-url: ${{ inputs.webhook-url }}
          color: ${{ inputs.level }}
          title: ${{ inputs.message }}
          deploy-card: true

all reuses look like this:

      - name: Notify dedicated teams channel
        uses: ./.github/actions/notify
          message: 'Build started'
          level: 'info'
          token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          webhook-url: ${{ secrets.MSTEAMS_WEBHOOK }}

setting git config username and email fixed it, but I'm afraid not everybody in my org has those set

mikesprague commented 1 year ago

The deploy card uses expected information built dynamically from the commit that initiated the workflow. And setting one's identity in Git is considered standard (and recommended https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-First-Time-Git-Setup).

NOTE: when I refer to setting Git identity, I mean on the machine that makes the commit (NOT in the GH Actions environment).

That said, if you don't think folks will have Git configured correctly, the deploy card might not be the best choice. You can also use the default/simple card and pass markdown in for formatting. Here's an example I use in another project:

      - name: ⛔ Failure Notification
        if: ${{ failure() }}
        uses: mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action@v1
          github-token: ${{ github.token }}
          webhook-url: ${{ secrets.TEAMS_ALERT_WEBHOOK_URL }}
          title: Workflow Failure - ${{ env.DISPLAY_NAME }}
          message: |
            **The last ${{ env.DISPLAY_NAME }} workflow run failed**

            Run logs: [${{github.server_url}}/${{github.repository}}/actions/runs/${{github.run_id}}](${{github.server_url}}/${{github.repository}}/actions/runs/${{github.run_id}})
          color: failure

I'm still trying to decide if I'd consider this a bug vs it just being a case of non-standard usage since the deploy card is intended to have the commit author information.

One option is to fork this repo, make the changes that support your use case, and then use your own version in your workflows.

It's also worth noting that since you are using it via reusable workflow that it might not be seeing all the data it needs from the calling workflow. I have not used it in that way as it's less work to call the Action itself then it is to wrap it and call that wrapper.

ArthurNRL commented 1 year ago

setting one's identity in Git is considered standard

Yes, mine was set, although my set username/email wasn't a valid github account but a bitbucket one. Reading through the code it seems like you're just using author to display it's username/handle, couldn't you get this data from the commit itself? Here's how the commits looks on github(bottom one is with the "incorrect" configs) image

It's also worth noting that since you are using it via reusable workflow that it might not be seeing all the data it needs from the calling workflow. I have not used it in that way as it's less work to call the Action itself then it is to wrap it and call that wrapper.

You're correct, I've used the composite action because I was testing different actions and found it was easier changing one place than multiple. But like I've said it works if the git configs are set to a github account

mikesprague commented 1 year ago

I hear what you are saying about author but this is the first time this has come up.

If you look at the code, I actually ignore it if author is not provided.

If it's provided, it is expected to relate to a GitHub user because it is a GitHub Action running inside a GitHub Workflow on GitHub.com.

I am not pointing that all out to be sarcastic, I am actually unsure how a bitbucket username is showing up inside your GitHub commit reference.

I'd probably need to see the full workflow logs to be more helpful.

ArthurNRL commented 1 year ago
Run mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action@v1.10.3
    github-token: ***
    webhook-url: ***
    color: info
    title: Build started
    deploy-card: true
    timezone: America/New_York
    color: '17a2b8'
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'login')
    at populateCard (file:///D:/a/_actions/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action/v1.10.3/webpack:/teams-incoming-webhook-action/src/lib/cards/deploy.ts:39:1)
Error: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'login')
    at file:///D:/a/_actions/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action/v1.10.3/webpack:/teams-incoming-webhook-action/src/index.ts:97:1
    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (file:///D:/a/_actions/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action/v1.10.3/webpack:/teams-incoming-webhook-action/src/index.ts:28:1)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)

This was the full error logs. I also get what you're saying, and for me this is solved, and if you want to close it it's fine. I just would do something to handle this and avoid more issues being opened in the future

mikesprague commented 1 year ago

If this is an actual bug, I want to fix it. I am trying to determine if it is that vs non-standard usage at this point.

Author is retrieved from the commit data by making a REST API call to get it: https://github.com/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action/blob/53c58630757080e03d00c86b0569640ce9bf630c/src/index.ts#L69-L71.

And, then if login isn't available it's not output: https://github.com/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action/blob/53c58630757080e03d00c86b0569640ce9bf630c/src/lib/cards/deploy.ts#L64

There should not be a case where GitHub cannot determine the author. That's why I feel the issue may be that not all the expected data is making it to the Action via your composite workflow.

In your case, it seems author is not there at all. Again, there really shouldn't be a case where GitHub cannot determine the commit author.

This really feels more like an issue with the composite workflow usage vs an actual "bug" per se.

That said, I can see that a check for existence of author might handle this. The change is simple enough on my side and something I can publish in a patch release later this morning.

FWIW, the logs still seemed incomplete. I'd have expected something more like this:

2023-04-19T20:07:38.6101143Z Requested labels: ubuntu-latest
2023-04-19T20:07:38.6101396Z Job defined at: mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action/.github/workflows/build-and-test.yml@refs/tags/v1.10.3
2023-04-19T20:07:38.6101484Z Waiting for a runner to pick up this job...
2023-04-19T20:07:39.1708328Z Job is waiting for a hosted runner to come online.
2023-04-19T20:07:42.0167571Z Job is about to start running on the hosted runner: GitHub Actions 3 (hosted)
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4356962Z Current runner version: '2.303.0'
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4383101Z ##[group]Operating System
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4383623Z Ubuntu
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4383950Z 22.04.2
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4384239Z LTS
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4384580Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4384907Z ##[group]Runner Image
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4385268Z Image: ubuntu-22.04
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4385615Z Version: 20230409.1
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4386160Z Included Software: https://github.com/actions/runner-images/blob/ubuntu22/20230409.1/images/linux/Ubuntu2204-Readme.md
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4386789Z Image Release: https://github.com/actions/runner-images/releases/tag/ubuntu22%2F20230409.1
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4387287Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4387641Z ##[group]Runner Image Provisioner
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4388318Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4389013Z ##[group]GITHUB_TOKEN Permissions
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4389574Z Contents: read
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4389919Z Metadata: read
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4390803Z Pages: write
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4391257Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4394927Z Secret source: Actions
2023-04-19T20:07:46.4395561Z Prepare workflow directory
2023-04-19T20:07:46.5125728Z Prepare all required actions
2023-04-19T20:07:46.5310746Z Getting action download info
2023-04-19T20:07:46.7143656Z Download action repository 'actions/checkout@v3' (SHA:8e5e7e5ab8b370d6c329ec480221332ada57f0ab)
2023-04-19T20:07:47.0060887Z Download action repository 'actions/upload-artifact@v3' (SHA:0b7f8abb1508181956e8e162db84b466c27e18ce)
2023-04-19T20:07:47.2820854Z Complete job name: test
2023-04-19T20:07:47.3771607Z ##[group]Run actions/checkout@v3
2023-04-19T20:07:47.3771966Z with:
2023-04-19T20:07:47.3772324Z   repository: mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action
2023-04-19T20:07:47.3772945Z   token: ***
2023-04-19T20:07:47.3773204Z   ssh-strict: true
2023-04-19T20:07:47.3773501Z   persist-credentials: true
2023-04-19T20:07:47.3773773Z   clean: true
2023-04-19T20:07:47.3774028Z   fetch-depth: 1
2023-04-19T20:07:47.3774300Z   lfs: false
2023-04-19T20:07:47.3774549Z   submodules: false
2023-04-19T20:07:47.3774829Z   set-safe-directory: true
2023-04-19T20:07:47.3775111Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6392150Z Syncing repository: mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6394083Z ##[group]Getting Git version info
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6394804Z Working directory is '/home/runner/work/teams-incoming-webhook-action/teams-incoming-webhook-action'
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6396672Z [command]/usr/bin/git version
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6451300Z git version 2.40.0
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6477048Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6496052Z Temporarily overriding HOME='/home/runner/work/_temp/a2dcdb48-6985-4b60-b87d-87151f3bf401' before making global git config changes
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6496641Z Adding repository directory to the temporary git global config as a safe directory
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6498704Z [command]/usr/bin/git config --global --add safe.directory /home/runner/work/teams-incoming-webhook-action/teams-incoming-webhook-action
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6555083Z Deleting the contents of '/home/runner/work/teams-incoming-webhook-action/teams-incoming-webhook-action'
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6563673Z ##[group]Initializing the repository
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6570545Z [command]/usr/bin/git init /home/runner/work/teams-incoming-webhook-action/teams-incoming-webhook-action
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6642455Z hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6643206Z hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6644130Z hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call:
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6644656Z hint: 
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6645696Z hint:  git config --global init.defaultBranch <name>
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6646197Z hint: 
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6647001Z hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6647737Z hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command:
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6648884Z hint: 
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6649544Z hint:  git branch -m <name>
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6653652Z Initialized empty Git repository in /home/runner/work/teams-incoming-webhook-action/teams-incoming-webhook-action/.git/
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6670236Z [command]/usr/bin/git remote add origin https://github.com/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6714295Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6715035Z ##[group]Disabling automatic garbage collection
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6719007Z [command]/usr/bin/git config --local gc.auto 0
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6752350Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6753035Z ##[group]Setting up auth
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6759610Z [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp core\.sshCommand
2023-04-19T20:07:47.6794027Z [command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive sh -c "git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'core\.sshCommand' && git config --local --unset-all 'core.sshCommand' || :"
2023-04-19T20:07:47.7152205Z [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp http\.https\:\/\/github\.com\/\.extraheader
2023-04-19T20:07:47.7179259Z [command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive sh -c "git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'http\.https\:\/\/github\.com\/\.extraheader' && git config --local --unset-all 'http.https://github.com/.extraheader' || :"
2023-04-19T20:07:47.7402796Z [command]/usr/bin/git config --local http.https://github.com/.extraheader AUTHORIZATION: basic ***
2023-04-19T20:07:47.7440507Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:47.7441608Z ##[group]Fetching the repository
2023-04-19T20:07:47.7449554Z [command]/usr/bin/git -c protocol.version=2 fetch --no-tags --prune --progress --no-recurse-submodules --depth=1 origin +ba5657134a624e5cc5b319fe3683a727c3677f14:refs/tags/v1.10.3
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9556626Z remote: Enumerating objects: 64, done.        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9562179Z remote: Counting objects:   1% (1/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9563156Z remote: Counting objects:   3% (2/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9563760Z remote: Counting objects:   4% (3/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9564581Z remote: Counting objects:   6% (4/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9565150Z remote: Counting objects:   7% (5/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9565943Z remote: Counting objects:   9% (6/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9566578Z remote: Counting objects:  10% (7/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9567376Z remote: Counting objects:  12% (8/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9567936Z remote: Counting objects:  14% (9/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9569095Z remote: Counting objects:  15% (10/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9569680Z remote: Counting objects:  17% (11/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9570480Z remote: Counting objects:  18% (12/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9571149Z remote: Counting objects:  20% (13/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9571953Z remote: Counting objects:  21% (14/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9572572Z remote: Counting objects:  23% (15/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9573368Z remote: Counting objects:  25% (16/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9573956Z remote: Counting objects:  26% (17/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9574728Z remote: Counting objects:  28% (18/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9575299Z remote: Counting objects:  29% (19/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9576095Z remote: Counting objects:  31% (20/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9576719Z remote: Counting objects:  32% (21/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9577507Z remote: Counting objects:  34% (22/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9578074Z remote: Counting objects:  35% (23/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9578862Z remote: Counting objects:  37% (24/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9579480Z remote: Counting objects:  39% (25/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9580267Z remote: Counting objects:  40% (26/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9580827Z remote: Counting objects:  42% (27/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9581608Z remote: Counting objects:  43% (28/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9582238Z remote: Counting objects:  45% (29/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9583376Z remote: Counting objects:  46% (30/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9583953Z remote: Counting objects:  48% (31/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9584736Z remote: Counting objects:  50% (32/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9585296Z remote: Counting objects:  51% (33/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9586063Z remote: Counting objects:  53% (34/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9586626Z remote: Counting objects:  54% (35/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9587418Z remote: Counting objects:  56% (36/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9587985Z remote: Counting objects:  57% (37/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9588782Z remote: Counting objects:  59% (38/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9589348Z remote: Counting objects:  60% (39/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9590529Z remote: Counting objects:  62% (40/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9591096Z remote: Counting objects:  64% (41/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9592206Z remote: Counting objects:  65% (42/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9593504Z remote: Counting objects:  67% (43/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9594042Z remote: Counting objects:  68% (44/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9594683Z remote: Counting objects:  70% (45/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9595298Z remote: Counting objects:  71% (46/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9595911Z remote: Counting objects:  73% (47/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9596499Z remote: Counting objects:  75% (48/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9597228Z remote: Counting objects:  76% (49/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9597705Z remote: Counting objects:  78% (50/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9598397Z remote: Counting objects:  79% (51/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9599232Z remote: Counting objects:  81% (52/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9599787Z remote: Counting objects:  82% (53/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9600228Z remote: Counting objects:  84% (54/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9600666Z remote: Counting objects:  85% (55/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9601087Z remote: Counting objects:  87% (56/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9602147Z remote: Counting objects:  89% (57/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9602594Z remote: Counting objects:  90% (58/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9603035Z remote: Counting objects:  92% (59/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9603474Z remote: Counting objects:  93% (60/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9603893Z remote: Counting objects:  95% (61/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9604334Z remote: Counting objects:  96% (62/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9604779Z remote: Counting objects:  98% (63/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9605230Z remote: Counting objects: 100% (64/64)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9605687Z remote: Counting objects: 100% (64/64), done.        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9606345Z remote: Compressing objects:   1% (1/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9606830Z remote: Compressing objects:   3% (2/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9607278Z remote: Compressing objects:   5% (3/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9607756Z remote: Compressing objects:   6% (4/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9608239Z remote: Compressing objects:   8% (5/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9608704Z remote: Compressing objects:  10% (6/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9609168Z remote: Compressing objects:  12% (7/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9609681Z remote: Compressing objects:  13% (8/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9610113Z remote: Compressing objects:  15% (9/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9610555Z remote: Compressing objects:  17% (10/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9610969Z remote: Compressing objects:  18% (11/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9611387Z remote: Compressing objects:  20% (12/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9611793Z remote: Compressing objects:  22% (13/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9825542Z remote: Compressing objects:  24% (14/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9829096Z remote: Compressing objects:  25% (15/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9829516Z remote: Compressing objects:  27% (16/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9831265Z remote: Compressing objects:  29% (17/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9832033Z remote: Compressing objects:  31% (18/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9832426Z remote: Compressing objects:  32% (19/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9832813Z remote: Compressing objects:  34% (20/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9882428Z remote: Compressing objects:  36% (21/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9904170Z remote: Compressing objects:  37% (22/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9941901Z remote: Compressing objects:  39% (23/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9963139Z remote: Compressing objects:  41% (24/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9963539Z remote: Compressing objects:  43% (25/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9963909Z remote: Compressing objects:  44% (26/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9965045Z remote: Compressing objects:  46% (27/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9965642Z remote: Compressing objects:  48% (28/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9966005Z remote: Compressing objects:  50% (29/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9966334Z remote: Compressing objects:  51% (30/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9966950Z remote: Compressing objects:  53% (31/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9967645Z remote: Compressing objects:  55% (32/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9969241Z remote: Compressing objects:  56% (33/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9971458Z remote: Compressing objects:  58% (34/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9973527Z remote: Compressing objects:  60% (35/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9975586Z remote: Compressing objects:  62% (36/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9977560Z remote: Compressing objects:  63% (37/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9979720Z remote: Compressing objects:  65% (38/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9981740Z remote: Compressing objects:  67% (39/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9983680Z remote: Compressing objects:  68% (40/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9985598Z remote: Compressing objects:  70% (41/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9991246Z remote: Compressing objects:  72% (42/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9993631Z remote: Compressing objects:  74% (43/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9994034Z remote: Compressing objects:  75% (44/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9996943Z remote: Compressing objects:  77% (45/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:47.9997279Z remote: Compressing objects:  79% (46/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0001071Z remote: Compressing objects:  81% (47/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0001415Z remote: Compressing objects:  82% (48/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0001762Z remote: Compressing objects:  84% (49/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0002087Z remote: Compressing objects:  86% (50/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0002423Z remote: Compressing objects:  87% (51/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0002757Z remote: Compressing objects:  89% (52/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0003082Z remote: Compressing objects:  91% (53/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0003412Z remote: Compressing objects:  93% (54/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0003730Z remote: Compressing objects:  94% (55/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0004062Z remote: Compressing objects:  96% (56/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0004761Z remote: Compressing objects:  98% (57/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0005274Z remote: Compressing objects: 100% (58/58)        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.0005621Z remote: Compressing objects: 100% (58/58), done.        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1374206Z remote: Total 64 (delta 8), reused 35 (delta 2), pack-reused 0        
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1498956Z From https://github.com/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1499868Z  * [new ref]         ba5657134a624e5cc5b319fe3683a727c3677f14 -> v1.10.3
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1546210Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1546803Z ##[group]Determining the checkout info
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1547286Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1547729Z ##[group]Checking out the ref
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1548316Z [command]/usr/bin/git checkout --progress --force refs/tags/v1.10.3
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1740440Z Note: switching to 'refs/tags/v1.10.3'.
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1741243Z You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1743669Z changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1744314Z state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1766368Z If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1766981Z do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1767395Z   git switch -c <new-branch-name>
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1767740Z Or undo this operation with:
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1768014Z   git switch -
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1768391Z Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1768824Z HEAD is now at ba56571 chore(release): prepare release v1.10.3
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1769961Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1815370Z [command]/usr/bin/git log -1 --format='%H'
2023-04-19T20:07:48.1839531Z 'ba5657134a624e5cc5b319fe3683a727c3677f14'
2023-04-19T20:07:48.2151418Z ##[group]Run npm install && npm run build
2023-04-19T20:07:48.2151826Z npm install && npm run build
2023-04-19T20:07:48.2208904Z shell: /usr/bin/bash -e {0}
2023-04-19T20:07:48.2209208Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:07:55.2323699Z npm WARN deprecated uuid@3.4.0: Please upgrade  to version 7 or higher.  Older versions may use Math.random() in certain circumstances, which is known to be problematic.  See https://v8.dev/blog/math-random for details.
2023-04-19T20:07:57.8338709Z > teams-incoming-webhook-action@1.10.3 prepare
2023-04-19T20:07:57.8339174Z > rm -rf dist && ncc build --source-map --license licenses.txt
2023-04-19T20:07:58.1258079Z ncc: Version 0.36.1
2023-04-19T20:07:58.1258874Z ncc: Compiling file index.js into ESM
2023-04-19T20:07:58.7786176Z ncc: Using typescript@5.0.4 (local user-provided)
2023-04-19T20:08:03.4403710Z    0kB  dist/package.json
2023-04-19T20:08:03.4404703Z   40kB  dist/sourcemap-register.cjs
2023-04-19T20:08:03.4405317Z   51kB  dist/licenses.txt
2023-04-19T20:08:03.4405928Z  638kB  dist/index.js.map
2023-04-19T20:08:03.4406312Z  926kB  dist/index.js
2023-04-19T20:08:03.4406717Z  638kB  dist/index.js.map
2023-04-19T20:08:03.4407664Z 1655kB  [5540ms] - ncc 0.36.1
2023-04-19T20:08:03.5474068Z added 496 packages, and audited 497 packages in 13s
2023-04-19T20:08:03.5479152Z 65 packages are looking for funding
2023-04-19T20:08:03.5482063Z   run `npm fund` for details
2023-04-19T20:08:03.5499936Z found 0 vulnerabilities
2023-04-19T20:08:03.9542368Z > teams-incoming-webhook-action@1.10.3 prebuild
2023-04-19T20:08:03.9542944Z > npm run test
2023-04-19T20:08:04.3312815Z > teams-incoming-webhook-action@1.10.3 test
2023-04-19T20:08:04.3313179Z > npm run lint && npm run check
2023-04-19T20:08:04.7119326Z > teams-incoming-webhook-action@1.10.3 lint
2023-04-19T20:08:04.7119969Z > eslint ./src
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3481024Z /home/runner/work/teams-incoming-webhook-action/teams-incoming-webhook-action/src/index.ts
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3482368Z   101:20  warning  Unsafe argument of type `any` assigned to a parameter of type `string`              @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3483188Z   105:20  warning  Unsafe argument of type `any` assigned to a parameter of type `string`              @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3484230Z   106:25  warning  Unsafe argument of type `any` assigned to a parameter of type `string | undefined`  @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3485035Z   108:19  warning  Unexpected any. Specify a different type                                            @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3486428Z   110:11  warning  Unsafe assignment of an `any` value                                                 @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3487293Z   111:20  warning  Unsafe argument of type `any` assigned to a parameter of type `string | Error`      @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3488433Z /home/runner/work/teams-incoming-webhook-action/teams-incoming-webhook-action/src/lib/cards/deploy.ts
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3489389Z    6:11  warning  Unexpected any. Specify a different type           @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3490103Z    8:11  warning  Unexpected any. Specify a different type           @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3491043Z   63:25  warning  Invalid type "any" of template literal expression  @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3491798Z   63:25  warning  Unsafe member access .data on an `any` value       @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3533033Z   64:15  warning  Unsafe member access .login on an `any` value      @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3534419Z   64:36  warning  Invalid type "any" of template literal expression  @typescript-eslint/restrict-template-expressions
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3535431Z   64:36  warning  Unsafe member access .login on an `any` value      @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3536446Z   95:17  warning  Unsafe assignment of an `any` value                @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3537186Z   95:22  warning  Unsafe member access .data on an `any` value       @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
2023-04-19T20:08:08.3538139Z ✖ 15 problems (0 errors, 15 warnings)
2023-04-19T20:08:08.7645339Z > teams-incoming-webhook-action@1.10.3 check
2023-04-19T20:08:08.7646333Z > tsc --noEmit
2023-04-19T20:08:14.8356453Z > teams-incoming-webhook-action@1.10.3 build
2023-04-19T20:08:14.8400018Z > npm run prepare
2023-04-19T20:08:15.2128595Z > teams-incoming-webhook-action@1.10.3 prepare
2023-04-19T20:08:15.2129487Z > rm -rf dist && ncc build --source-map --license licenses.txt
2023-04-19T20:08:15.3482203Z ncc: Version 0.36.1
2023-04-19T20:08:15.3485662Z ncc: Compiling file index.js into ESM
2023-04-19T20:08:15.7363468Z ncc: Using typescript@5.0.4 (local user-provided)
2023-04-19T20:08:19.6380292Z    0kB  dist/package.json
2023-04-19T20:08:19.6380901Z   40kB  dist/sourcemap-register.cjs
2023-04-19T20:08:19.6381152Z   51kB  dist/licenses.txt
2023-04-19T20:08:19.6381392Z  638kB  dist/index.js.map
2023-04-19T20:08:19.6381618Z  926kB  dist/index.js
2023-04-19T20:08:19.6381841Z  638kB  dist/index.js.map
2023-04-19T20:08:19.6382135Z 1655kB  [4374ms] - ncc 0.36.1
2023-04-19T20:08:19.7489814Z > teams-incoming-webhook-action@1.10.3 postbuild
2023-04-19T20:08:19.7490443Z > npm run typedoc-html
2023-04-19T20:08:20.1272420Z > teams-incoming-webhook-action@1.10.3 typedoc-html
2023-04-19T20:08:20.1273048Z > typedoc --out ./docs/publish --entryPointStrategy expand ./src --readme ./README.md
2023-04-19T20:08:27.6170272Z [info] Documentation generated at ./docs/publish
2023-04-19T20:08:27.7670346Z ##[group]Run ./
2023-04-19T20:08:27.7670661Z with:
2023-04-19T20:08:27.7671507Z   github-token: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:27.7672202Z   webhook-url: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:27.7672653Z   deploy-card: true
2023-04-19T20:08:27.7672919Z   title: Starting Notification Tests
2023-04-19T20:08:27.7673233Z   color: info
2023-04-19T20:08:27.7673542Z   timezone: America/New_York
2023-04-19T20:08:27.7674108Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:08:30.6074130Z ##[group]Run ./
2023-04-19T20:08:30.6074431Z with:
2023-04-19T20:08:30.6074903Z   github-token: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:30.6075580Z   webhook-url: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:30.6075919Z   deploy-card: false
2023-04-19T20:08:30.6076170Z   title: Notification Test
2023-04-19T20:08:30.6076554Z   message: This is an example of a simple notification with a title and a body
2023-04-19T20:08:30.6076929Z   color: default
2023-04-19T20:08:30.6077252Z   timezone: America/New_York
2023-04-19T20:08:30.6077495Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:08:32.0924979Z ##[group]Run ./
2023-04-19T20:08:32.0925191Z with:
2023-04-19T20:08:32.0925571Z   github-token: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:32.0926082Z   webhook-url: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:32.0926289Z   deploy-card: true
2023-04-19T20:08:32.0926494Z   title: Deployment Started
2023-04-19T20:08:32.0926702Z   color: info
2023-04-19T20:08:32.0926915Z   timezone: America/New_York
2023-04-19T20:08:32.0927126Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:08:33.5974631Z ##[group]Run ./
2023-04-19T20:08:33.5974863Z with:
2023-04-19T20:08:33.5975250Z   github-token: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:33.5975760Z   webhook-url: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:33.5975978Z   deploy-card: true
2023-04-19T20:08:33.5976206Z   title: Deployment Cancelled
2023-04-19T20:08:33.5976427Z   color: warning
2023-04-19T20:08:33.5976631Z   timezone: America/New_York
2023-04-19T20:08:33.5976851Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:08:35.4165344Z ##[group]Run ./
2023-04-19T20:08:35.4165567Z with:
2023-04-19T20:08:35.4165951Z   github-token: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:35.4166461Z   webhook-url: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:35.4166683Z   deploy-card: true
2023-04-19T20:08:35.4166911Z   title: Deployment Failed
2023-04-19T20:08:35.4167136Z   color: failure
2023-04-19T20:08:35.4167341Z   timezone: America/New_York
2023-04-19T20:08:35.4167563Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:08:37.2934346Z ##[group]Run ./
2023-04-19T20:08:37.2934571Z with:
2023-04-19T20:08:37.2934962Z   github-token: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:37.2935478Z   webhook-url: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:37.2935699Z   deploy-card: true
2023-04-19T20:08:37.2935951Z   title: Deployment Successful
2023-04-19T20:08:37.2936175Z   color: success
2023-04-19T20:08:37.2936381Z   timezone: America/New_York
2023-04-19T20:08:37.2936604Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:08:38.9001492Z ##[group]Run ./
2023-04-19T20:08:38.9001710Z with:
2023-04-19T20:08:38.9002153Z   github-token: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:38.9002674Z   webhook-url: ***
2023-04-19T20:08:38.9002894Z   deploy-card: true
2023-04-19T20:08:38.9003132Z   title: Notification Tests Complete
2023-04-19T20:08:38.9003365Z   color: info
2023-04-19T20:08:38.9003571Z   timezone: America/New_York
2023-04-19T20:08:38.9003795Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:08:40.9529290Z ##[group]Run actions/upload-artifact@v3
2023-04-19T20:08:40.9529566Z with:
2023-04-19T20:08:40.9529825Z   name: typescript-docs-artifact
2023-04-19T20:08:40.9530109Z   path: docs/publish
2023-04-19T20:08:40.9530355Z   retention-days: 1
2023-04-19T20:08:40.9530601Z   if-no-files-found: warn
2023-04-19T20:08:40.9530851Z ##[endgroup]
2023-04-19T20:08:41.0327278Z With the provided path, there will be 21 files uploaded
2023-04-19T20:08:41.0330807Z Starting artifact upload
2023-04-19T20:08:41.0331598Z For more detailed logs during the artifact upload process, enable step-debugging: https://docs.github.com/actions/monitoring-and-troubleshooting-workflows/enabling-debug-logging#enabling-step-debug-logging
2023-04-19T20:08:41.0332277Z Artifact name is valid!
2023-04-19T20:08:41.0840387Z Container for artifact "typescript-docs-artifact" successfully created. Starting upload of file(s)
2023-04-19T20:08:41.8087234Z Total size of all the files uploaded is 73843 bytes
2023-04-19T20:08:41.8088093Z File upload process has finished. Finalizing the artifact upload
2023-04-19T20:08:41.8353841Z Artifact has been finalized. All files have been successfully uploaded!
2023-04-19T20:08:41.8354841Z The raw size of all the files that were specified for upload is 425738 bytes
2023-04-19T20:08:41.8355417Z The size of all the files that were uploaded is 73843 bytes. This takes into account any gzip compression used to reduce the upload size, time and storage
2023-04-19T20:08:41.8356931Z Note: The size of downloaded zips can differ significantly from the reported size. For more information see: https://github.com/actions/upload-artifact#zipped-artifact-downloads 
2023-04-19T20:08:41.8357643Z Artifact typescript-docs-artifact has been successfully uploaded!
2023-04-19T20:08:41.8453728Z Post job cleanup.
2023-04-19T20:08:41.9462709Z [command]/usr/bin/git version
2023-04-19T20:08:41.9514135Z git version 2.40.0
2023-04-19T20:08:41.9575190Z Temporarily overriding HOME='/home/runner/work/_temp/44317737-fd4b-4033-97db-6511160046be' before making global git config changes
2023-04-19T20:08:41.9580282Z Adding repository directory to the temporary git global config as a safe directory
2023-04-19T20:08:41.9589593Z [command]/usr/bin/git config --global --add safe.directory /home/runner/work/teams-incoming-webhook-action/teams-incoming-webhook-action
2023-04-19T20:08:41.9637191Z [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp core\.sshCommand
2023-04-19T20:08:41.9678263Z [command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive sh -c "git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'core\.sshCommand' && git config --local --unset-all 'core.sshCommand' || :"
2023-04-19T20:08:41.9928506Z [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --name-only --get-regexp http\.https\:\/\/github\.com\/\.extraheader
2023-04-19T20:08:41.9946966Z http.https://github.com/.extraheader
2023-04-19T20:08:41.9963742Z [command]/usr/bin/git config --local --unset-all http.https://github.com/.extraheader
2023-04-19T20:08:42.0005887Z [command]/usr/bin/git submodule foreach --recursive sh -c "git config --local --name-only --get-regexp 'http\.https\:\/\/github\.com\/\.extraheader' && git config --local --unset-all 'http.https://github.com/.extraheader' || :"
2023-04-19T20:08:42.0429851Z Cleaning up orphan processes
ArthurNRL commented 1 year ago

Ok you want the debug logs. I've taken the action out of the composite action for testing, here are the results:

      - name: Send message
        uses: mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action@v1.10.3
          github-token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
          webhook-url: ${{ secrets.MSTEAMS_WEBHOOK }}
          color: 'info'
          title: "Build Started"
          deploy-card: true

with "wrong credentials":

##[debug]Evaluating condition for step: 'Send message'
##[debug]Evaluating: success()
##[debug]Evaluating success:
##[debug]=> true
##[debug]Result: true
##[debug]Starting: Send message
##[debug]Loading inputs
##[debug]Evaluating: secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN
##[debug]Evaluating Index:
##[debug]..Evaluating secrets:
##[debug]..=> Object
##[debug]..Evaluating String:
##[debug]..=> 'GITHUB_TOKEN'
##[debug]=> '***'
##[debug]Result: '***'
##[debug]Evaluating: secrets.MSTEAMS_WEBHOOK
##[debug]Evaluating Index:
##[debug]..Evaluating secrets:
##[debug]..=> Object
##[debug]..Evaluating String:
##[debug]..=> 'MSTEAMS_WEBHOOK'
##[debug]=> '***'
##[debug]Result: '***'
##[debug]Loading env
Run mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action@v1.10.3

TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'login')
    at populateCard (file:///D:/a/_actions/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action/v1.10.3/webpack:/teams-incoming-webhook-action/src/lib/cards/deploy.ts:39:1)
Error: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'login')
    at file:///D:/a/_actions/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action/v1.10.3/webpack:/teams-incoming-webhook-action/src/index.ts:97:1
    at Generator.next (<anonymous>)
    at fulfilled (file:///D:/a/_actions/mikesprague/teams-incoming-webhook-action/v1.10.3/webpack:/teams-incoming-webhook-action/src/index.ts:28:1)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
##[debug]Node Action run completed with exit code 1
##[debug]Finishing: Send message

With the "right" credentials workflow runs fine

mikesprague commented 1 year ago

In this case, I'll push a change out that may (or may not) help, but I am leaning towards this being a configuration issue vs an actual bug.

The commit author on a GitHub repo should always relate back to a GitHub user (unless the user has been removed from GitHub).

I genuinely still cannot wrap my head around how an email address associated with a commit would relate to a bitbucket user and not a GitHub user but end up in a GitHub repo as a current (vs historical) commit.

In any case, I'll post here again when I push the change out (later today) and if you're still interested you can test the next version then and see if it resolves the original issue for you. I'll wait to close this until I push that change later today.

ArthurNRL commented 1 year ago

Here is an issue of a similar action with the same problem, https://github.com/jdcargile/ms-teams-notification/issues/4 A lot of people had the error. I guess it's just something you're no used to but some orgs, like consulting firms has to use multiple git hosting plataforms, and changing the git email on every commit to a different one is just not feasible. I'll wait to test!

mikesprague commented 1 year ago

That gives a little more context. And I fully understand having to use multiple Git providers

If it were me, I'd either use the same email address so that one email address in my Git configuration maps to the different provider user accounts or I would configure Git to use the appropriate credentials depending on which repo I was working in.

Like you said, not everyone takes the time to configure things properly when working with multiple providers etc. I'll let you know when I release the change, probably within a couple hours.

ArthurNRL commented 1 year ago

Yeah but some client orgs ask use to use their provided email/accounts for everything, but they don't really care for the email used for commits, and some companies use microsservices meaning I could have something like 50 projects cloned for a given client. It's a mess but we try to live with it

mikesprague commented 1 year ago

@ArthurNRL In theory, this may work for you now with your original setup.

ArthurNRL commented 1 year ago

Works well! image

mikesprague commented 1 year ago

Thanks for confirming!

ArthurNRL commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the effort!