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testNorm fails from time to time for complex numbers #8

Open jakobkroeker opened 10 years ago

jakobkroeker commented 10 years ago

testNorm(CC_53) -- fails from time to time testNorm(CC_100) -- fails from time to time testNorm(CC_200) -- fails from time to time testNorm(CC_54) -- fails from time to time

here is the minimal CC_53 failing setup :

entry := toCC( .81662363033492791p53, .97905576575740838p53 )

MM := mutableMatrix {{ entry }}

a := norm MM
b := norm matrix M
ans := (flatten entries MM)/abs//max;
a==b --ok
a==ans --false

((flatten entries MM)/abs)#0 ==a --false

if the failure is not reproducible, I will provide more information.