milesj / interweave

🌀 React library to safely render HTML, filter attributes, autowrap text with matchers, render emoji characters, and much more.
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Invalid DOM property `classname`. Did you mean `className`? #228

Closed zidkim closed 2 years ago

zidkim commented 2 years ago

Inside NextjS env, the following returns an error:

        content={`<div className="test">Test</div>`}

Error: "Invalid DOM property classname. Did you mean className?"

EDIT: I realize now that although the rendered html includes the expected "class", the actual css does not get applied. The goal from my end is to insert large content with multiple classNames. These classNames would be defined outside Interweave component such as with styled-jsx, styled-components, or even with plain css/sass. Is this possible?

milesj commented 2 years ago

@madleo-dk Is this rendering on the server? If so, the SSR situation with Interweave isn't the best, but you should at least be doing:

But yes, if you're supplying className, then those classes "need to exist" before hand on the client side.

zidkim commented 2 years ago

@milesj Ah, so if I understand correctly, it's essentially not possible to have styles/classes applied to html/jsx thats been "injected".

Appreciate the quick response btw.

milesj commented 2 years ago

@madleo-dk If you're referring to the content prop, then you would need to interpolate the class into the HTML string before it's rendered, or apply it after it's rendered by referencing an id attribute or something.

Do you have a demo somewhere so I can get a better understanding?

zidkim commented 2 years ago

@milesj The HTML string would be delivered from the database. So it would look more like,

        content={`<div className="test">Test</div>`}

The hope was that styles defined in styled-jsx would be applied as such.

return (

   <style jsx>{` 
       .test {
             width: 100%;
milesj commented 2 years ago

@madleo-dk Ok the problem is that content expects HTML, not JSX. So you need to change className to class.

        content={`<div class="test">Test</div>`}
zidkim commented 2 years ago

Does not work. HTML gets rendered, styles from style-jsx does not get applied.

        content={`<div class="container">Test</div>`}

      <style jsx>{`
        .container {
          font-size: 5rem;
          font-weight: 900;
milesj commented 2 years ago

@madleo-dk Is the class name that <style jsx> is injecting actually .container or it getting hashed?

This seems like a problem on that end, not Interweave's, as this just renders HTML.

zidkim commented 2 years ago

Yes, the class "container" gets applied. No worries at all, and appreciate the help.