mill1000 / midea-ac-py

Home Assistant custom integration to control Midea (and associated brands) air conditioners via LAN.
MIT License
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Help Wanted: Add more translations #54

Open mill1000 opened 9 months ago

mill1000 commented 9 months ago

I would like to provide additional languages for the config flow, fan speeds and swing modes.

Current Status

Currently the project has translations for:

How To Contribute

This file contains all the strings that need translating.

Only the values need to be translated. For example:

  "config": {
    "step": {
      "user": {
        "description": "Select how to add a device.",
        "menu_options": {
          "discover": "Discover device",
          "manual": "Configure manually"
  "config": {
    "step": {
      "user": {
        "description": "Zadajte informácie o svojom zariadení.",
        "menu_options": {
          "discover": "Objavte zariadenie",
          "manual": "Nakonfigurujte manuálne"

For each language, a new file should be created XX.json where XX is the language tag.

Either create a PR with the translations, or post the translations here and I will integrated them.

Thanks again.

MihaiKrieger commented 2 months ago

@johannes387 Awesome. Thank you.

@mitakvd @lpispek @v1k70rk4 @richbira @MihaiKrieger @jmigual @misa1515 Entity names can now be translated if any of you feel inclined to update your respective translations.

Hi Tucker, Here you go, done my part. ro.json

mill1000 commented 2 months ago


lpispek commented 1 month ago

Please find attached the translated parts, if something is missing please let me know:

"binary_sensor": {
  "filter_alert": {
    "name": "Upozorenje o filteru"
"number": {
  "fan_speed": {
    "name": "Brzina ventilatora"

"sensor": {
  "indoor_temperature": {
    "name": "Unutarnja temperatura"
  "outdoor_temperature": {
    "name": "Vanjska temperatura"
"switch": {
  "display": {
    "name": "Zaslon"
  "purifier": {
    "name": "Pročistač"
mill1000 commented 1 month ago

@lpispek Thanks a lot! Do you want to provide translation for the following entites as well?

"name": "Horizontal swing angle",
"name": "Vertical swing angle",
lpispek commented 1 month ago

@lpispek Thanks a lot! Do you want to provide translation for the following entities as well?

"name": "Horizontal swing angle",
"name": "Vertical swing angle",

Please find the translated entities. Thank you for the info.

"name": "Horizontalni kut zakretanja",
"name": "Vertikalni kut zakretanja",
mill1000 commented 1 month ago

Thanks again!

keniji commented 1 month ago

I found there is no Chinese translation while I recommend this integration to someone, so I post one here. BTW this translation is in simplified Chinese (chs) which is used mainly in mainland China and Singapore -- And below is not enclosing traditional Chinese (cht) which is mainly used in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, but sometimes will use some different characters and words.

  "config": {
    "step": {
      "user": {
        "description": "选择添加设备的方式。",
        "menu_options": {
          "discover": "自动添加",
          "manual": "手动添加"
      "discover": {
        "data": {
          "host": "地址"
        "description": "置空地址栏时将尝试自动发现网络上的设备。"
      "manual": {
        "description": "输入设备的配置信息。",
        "data": {
          "id": "ID",
          "host": "地址",
          "port": "端口",
          "token": "令牌",
          "k1": "密钥"
        "data_description": {
          "token": "用于V3设备的令牌(Token)",
          "k1": "用于V3设备的密钥(Key)"
    "abort": {
      "already_configured": "已存在的设备。",
      "cannot_connect": "无法连接到设备。",
      "no_devices_found": "未发现支持的设备。"
    "error": {
      "cannot_connect": "无法通过配置信息进行连接。",
      "device_not_found": "未发现指定设备。",
      "unsupported_device": "该设备未被支持。"
  "options": {
    "step": {
      "init": {
        "data": {
          "prompt_tone": "启用蜂鸣器",
          "temp_step": "温度步进",
          "use_fan_only_workaround": "使用仅送风方案",
          "show_all_presets": "显示所有预设模式",
          "additional_operation_modes": "额外运行模式",
          "max_connection_lifetime": "最大连接有效期"
        "data_description": {
          "temp_step": "温度设定的步进值",
          "additional_operation_modes": "指定额外的运行模式",
          "max_connection_lifetime": "单次连接的最大有效期(单位为秒,最短30秒)"
  "services": {
    "set_follow_me": {
      "name": "智慧眼",
      "description": "设置“智慧眼”功能。",
      "fields": {
        "enabled": {
          "name": "启用",
          "description": "是否启用“智慧眼”功能。"
  "entity": {
    "climate": {
      "midea_ac": {
        "state_attributes": {
          "fan_mode": {
            "state": {
              "silent": "静音",
              "low": "低速",
              "medium": "中速",
              "high": "高速",
              "auto": "自动",
              "custom": "自定"
          "swing_mode": {
            "state": {
              "off": "停止",
              "vertical": "垂直",
              "horizontal": "水平",
              "both": "双向"
    "binary_sensor": {
      "filter_alert": {
        "name": "滤网报警"
    "number": {
      "fan_speed": {
        "name": "风速"
    "select": {
      "horizontal_swing_angle": {
        "name": "横向摆风",
        "state": {
          "off": "停止",
          "pos_1": "左方",
          "pos_2": "中左",
          "pos_3": "中部",
          "pos_4": "中右",
          "pos_5": "右方"
      "vertical_swing_angle": {
        "name": "垂直摆风",
        "state": {
          "off": "停止",
          "pos_1": "上方",
          "pos_2": "中上",
          "pos_3": "中部",
          "pos_4": "中下",
          "pos_5": "下方"
    "sensor": {
      "indoor_temperature": {
        "name": "室内温度"
      "outdoor_temperature": {
        "name": "室外温度"
    "switch": {
      "display": {
        "name": "面板显示"
      "purifier": {
        "name": "空气净化"
mill1000 commented 1 month ago

Thanks! PR #165.

I went with he zh-Hans language tag, some testing might be necessary to ensure I got the right one.

MakiTEI commented 1 month ago

Noticed there is no Sloven translation, so here it is for those who might need it. sl.json

keniji commented 1 month ago


Thanks for adding the language, so below is for zh-Hant(繁體中文). As I mentioned, traditional Chinese users sometimes use different words so I changed some wordings while converting zh-Hans to zh-Hant. However, some wordings might still not suitable since I am not native speaker after all:

  "config": {
    "step": {
      "user": {
        "description": "選擇新增設備的方式。",
        "menu_options": {
          "discover": "自動檢索",
          "manual": "手動新增"
      "discover": {
        "data": {
          "host": "位址"
        "description": "空置位址列時將嘗試自動檢索網路上的設備。"
      "manual": {
        "description": "錄入設備的設定資訊。",
        "data": {
          "id": "ID",
          "host": "位址",
          "port": "埠號",
          "token": "權杖",
          "k1": "密鑰"
        "data_description": {
          "token": "用於V3設備的令牌(Token)",
          "k1": "用於V3設備的密鑰(Key)"
    "abort": {
      "already_configured": "已存在的設備。",
      "cannot_connect": "無法連結到設備。",
      "no_devices_found": "未發現支援的設備。"
    "error": {
      "cannot_connect": "無法通過設定資訊進行連結。",
      "device_not_found": "未發現指定設備。",
      "unsupported_device": "此設備未被支援。"
  "options": {
    "step": {
      "init": {
        "data": {
          "prompt_tone": "啟用嗶聲",
          "temp_step": "溫度步進",
          "use_fan_only_workaround": "使用僅送風方案",
          "show_all_presets": "顯示所有預設模式",
          "additional_operation_modes": "額外執行模式",
          "max_connection_lifetime": "最大連結有效期"
        "data_description": {
          "temp_step": "溫度設置的步進值",
          "additional_operation_modes": "指定額外的執行模式",
          "max_connection_lifetime": "單次連結的最大有效期(單位為秒,最短30秒)"
  "services": {
    "set_follow_me": {
      "name": "智慧眼",
      "description": "設置“智慧眼”功能。",
      "fields": {
        "enabled": {
          "name": "啟用",
          "description": "是否啟用“智慧眼”功能。"
  "entity": {
    "climate": {
      "midea_ac": {
        "state_attributes": {
          "fan_mode": {
            "state": {
              "silent": "靜音",
              "low": "低速",
              "medium": "中速",
              "high": "高速",
              "auto": "自動",
              "custom": "自定"
          "swing_mode": {
            "state": {
              "off": "停止",
              "vertical": "垂直",
              "horizontal": "水平",
              "both": "雙向"
    "binary_sensor": {
      "filter_alert": {
        "name": "濾網報警"
    "number": {
      "fan_speed": {
        "name": "風速"
    "select": {
      "horizontal_swing_angle": {
        "name": "橫向擺風",
        "state": {
          "off": "停用",
          "pos_1": "左方",
          "pos_2": "中左",
          "pos_3": "中部",
          "pos_4": "中右",
          "pos_5": "右方"
      "vertical_swing_angle": {
        "name": "垂直擺風",
        "state": {
          "off": "停用",
          "pos_1": "上方",
          "pos_2": "中上",
          "pos_3": "中部",
          "pos_4": "中下",
          "pos_5": "下方"
    "sensor": {
      "indoor_temperature": {
        "name": "室內溫度"
      "outdoor_temperature": {
        "name": "室外溫度"
    "switch": {
      "display": {
        "name": "面板顯示"
      "purifier": {
        "name": "空氣淨化"
mill1000 commented 1 month ago

Noticed there is no Sloven translation, so here it is for those who might need it. sl.json

Excellent. Thanks. PR #168

Thanks for adding the language, so below is for zh-Hant(繁體中文). As I mentioned, traditional Chinese users sometimes use different words so I changed some wordings while converting zh-Hans to zh-Hant. However, some wordings might still not suitable since I am not native speaker after all

Thanks again! I'm sure its better than no translation at all. PR #167

Theo16 commented 1 month ago


New polish ver.

lpispek commented 1 month ago

Please find the Croatian translation for the new "Active Clean" feature

"self_clean": { "name": "Samo-čišćenje" } }, "button": { "self_clean": { "name": "Pokreni samo-čišćenje" }

mill1000 commented 1 month ago

Thanks again. There's been a lot of churn lately with the translations so I appreciate your contributions

tomiko23lol commented 1 month ago

Hi I added Czech translation in PR #197 . It is translation of current version of en.json I also compared it with Slovak file and I discovered that Slovak is missing some deffinitions. It looks like Slovak file is outdated compared to English file.

mill1000 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the contribution! It's really cool to see how many languages are being added.

Yes. There has been a lot of churn lately which has left a number of languages with missing translations for some fields.