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Seating plan colours - per-clan colour #16

Open ShaneMcC opened 9 months ago

ShaneMcC commented 9 months ago

One feature request I would have, as an attendee looking to seat myself, is a view that colour-codes clans so I can quickly see if I'm around a bunch of people together or not etc. Rather than having to hover over every seat to figure it out.

It was something an old-insomnia picker did, and something I userscript-hacked for epic:


mintopia commented 9 months ago

Complex due to users being in multiple clans - maybe the concept of a primary clan? Or something proximity based.

VibroAxe commented 9 months ago

I think the concept of a per event primary clan is probably useful (with some sensible defaulting based on either last event or an additional user level default clan)

Additional issue which this helps resolves as well> Example user is in ClanA and ClanB, for SpringLan only ClanA attends, for SummerLan only ClanB attends. In these cases a "primary" clan isn't needed as only one clan admin is looking to manage seating. However both clans WinterLan and the user wants to sit with ClanA but ClanB goes down their list and moves the user at the last moment resulting in them sitting in the "wrong" place

mintopia commented 9 months ago

This could be scoped per ticket.

VibroAxe commented 9 months ago

One feature request I would have, as an attendee looking to seat myself, is a view that colour-codes clans so I can quickly see if I'm around a bunch of people together or not etc. Rather than having to hover over every seat to figure it out.

It was something an old-insomnia picker did, and something I userscript-hacked for epic:


I think the old insomnia seatpicker might have done this via "game preference" rather than clan, but I could be wrong. Still a cool idea though