Load hanging at Part 3 - Step 13 for WA only. All other states complete within 2-3 minutes but WA never completes even after leaving it running for multiple hours. Offending code below
INSERT INTO admin_bdys_201905.postcode_bdys (postcode, state, address_count, street_count, geom)
SELECT postcode,
ST_Multi(ST_Buffer(ST_Union(ST_Buffer(geom, 0.0000001)), -0.0000001))
FROM admin_bdys_201905.locality_bdys
WHERE state = 'WA' GROUP BY postcode,
Load hanging at Part 3 - Step 13 for WA only. All other states complete within 2-3 minutes but WA never completes even after leaving it running for multiple hours. Offending code below
PostgreSQL 11.3 64bit PostGIS 2.5.2 Python 3.6.7 (anaconda)
Windows 10 i7-6600U 32gb RAM
May 19 GNAF file and most up to date shapefiles from data.gov.au
Edit: I left it running overnight and completed in just under 9 hours