It is not entirely clear to me, why, though. The assetion in question:
let to_ed25519_keys (key : eddsa_key) =
let priv_cs = Cstruct.of_string
and pub_cs = Cstruct.of_string
match Ed25519.priv_of_cstruct priv_cs, Ed25519.pub_of_cstruct pub_cs with
| Ok priv, Ok pub ->
assert (Cstruct.equal Ed25519.(pub_to_cstruct (pub_of_priv priv)) pub_cs); (* that's the failing one *)
priv, pub
| _ -> assert false
It may be useful to do some printf debugging here. The OCaml side for a DKML-windows-64bit assumes word_size being 64 bit, the C side assumes 32 - this may be an issue!?
Once address, in ci/ the mirage-crypto-ec package can be added to the packages_TOPOLOGICALSORT.
On DKML windows, the mirage-crypto-ec bits and pieces may build, but do not succeed the test cases.
They use the 32bit fiat-crypto implementations due to unavailability of 128bit integers on windows (see, patch merged at
Now, there's a patch to also use the 32bit tables (otherwise compilation fails with "Cannot use 32-bit tables on a 64-bit architecture".
Even with that patch included, the tests fail:
It is not entirely clear to me, why, though. The assetion in question:
It may be useful to do some printf debugging here. The OCaml side for a DKML-windows-64bit assumes word_size being 64 bit, the C side assumes 32 - this may be an issue!?
Once address, in ci/ the
package can be added to thepackages_TOPOLOGICALSORT