miroslavpejic85 / mirotalksfu

🏆 WebRTC - SFU - Simple, Secure, Scalable Real-Time Video Conferences Up to 8k, compatible with all browsers and platforms.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
2.09k stars 332 forks source link

Enhancements #22

Open fredEbho opened 2 years ago

fredEbho commented 2 years ago

Hello Miroslav, Great job so far, you're the best! Just want to make some feature request -

Remote screen control Break out rooms Real-time polls Host & guest configuration Only host can kick out, mute anybody, basically better permission control Host accept & reject guest before entry

miroslavpejic85 commented 2 years ago

Hello Fred, Thank you, I'll answer you below:

It's Not possible actually with WebRTC, anyway for Remote Desktop Control you can try
https://github.com/miroslavpejic85/p2p or https://pocketsolution.net

✅ Real-time polls done 🗳️ Breakout rooms ✅ Host & guest configuration done ✅ Only a host can kick out, mute anybody, basically better permission control done ✅ Host accept & reject guest before entry done

Could be a nice implementation in the future.

Actually anyone can feel free to share their screen, cam, audio... Or kick out, mute, hide... the participants in the same room. Usually when you are in conference with your team, just lock the room and no one can enter during the meeting.