mistic100 / Photo-Sphere-Viewer

A JavaScript library to display 360° sphere panoramas.
MIT License
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Black "pillar" showing up in photoviewer #11

Closed jarodium closed 8 years ago

jarodium commented 8 years ago

Hello there

My firefox for windows 8 ( latest version of FF ) is showing up a "black pillar" after the image is rendered.

In the following browsers, the script is working properly ( no "black pillar" )

Same windows 8: Chrome works

MacOSX: Firefox,Chrome and Safari works.

The link where i'm implementing the viewer is: http://lifecharcos.lpn.pt/visita_virtual/2/index.html

I am also experiencing the same warning as #7, but it does not mess my viewer in MacOSX I am using the latest threejs ( rev 73 )

Attached is a printscreen of what I am seeing bug_firefox

I think the bug lies at the edges of the image, that the viewer cannot join them.

Thank you for your time.

mistic100 commented 8 years ago

And have you tried the fix from #7 ? If so and it doesn't change, I can't help you. Probably you cropped the sphere somehow and the data are falsy, but I do not have the knowledge on this part of the code.