Open mattchilds1 opened 9 years ago
Did you ever figure this out? Seems I've just run into the same issue.
More specifically, I'm getting the same AMI and Tags for each instance:
# Read in the JSON configuration
test_boxes = JSON.parse(
File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), config_file)
symbolize_names: true
# Start Vagrant configuration
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |vagrant|
# Loop through each box we define in the JSON file
test_boxes.each_pair do |vm_name, box_attributes|
# Configure instance specific AWS variables
vagrant.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override|
aws.ami = box_attributes[:ami]
aws.tags = {
# FIXME: all instances get the name of the first instance
'Name' => [ENV['USER'], vm_name].join('-'),
'Vagrant' => true
Hi, I have a problem when I am creating multiple AWS machines. Locally they look like:
When I look on Amazon they unfortunately all have the name 'node1-aws'. Looking at the --debug output, it seems that it is using 'With machine: node1-aws' for every node.
My vagrant file:
Is there some way to stop this cacheing? or am I just doing something stupid? :dancers: