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Italicize words in bibliography #239

Open jibarozzo opened 11 months ago

jibarozzo commented 11 months ago


I am having trouble italicizing word within the title section of my bibliography. I want to italicize scientific names. I have tried modifying the .bib file directly and I can keep letters in caps but no bold or italics . I tried by using \emph{} and \textit{} similar to what is mentioned in #193

My bib entries are as follows: @article{aponterolonTwoTreesEnvironmental2023, title = {{{Between Two Trees: {{Environmental}} Effects of {{{\emph{I}}}}.{\emph{ micheliana}} and {{{\emph{A}}}}.{\emph{ latifolia}} on Leaf Litter Ants in a Coffee Agroecosystem}}}, author = {Aponte Rolón, Bolívar and Perfecto, Ivette}, year = {2023}, journal = {Ecosphere}, volume = {14}, number = {2}, pages = {e4442}, doi = {10.1002/ecs2.4442}, keywords = {agroecosystem,ants,brown food web,coffee,Formicidae,Inga,leaf-litter,nitrogen}

Have other encountered this?

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