I found several inconsistencies in chromosome naming scheme when using the pipeline with rCRS option, and I would like to make some suggestions.
First, in test_config.sh, instruction for setting mtdb_fasta incorrectly states that the parameter should be set to MT.fa when using rCRS as reference:
##OPTIONAL. If MToolBox default installation (install.sh) was used, mtdb_fasta is chrRSRS.fa (RSRS). To use rCRS sequence as reference, please set mtdb_fasta=MT.fa Otherwise, please specify the file name of the mitochondrial reference fasta sequence you want to use.
If mtdb_fasta is set to MT.fa, it later breaks the pipeline when it gets to assembleMTgenome.py stage because it's looking for MT.fa file in genome_fasta/ directory and the file does not exist. The instruction should say mtdb_fasta should be set to chrM.fa, reflecting the name change.
Second, chromosome names must be updated from chrRCRS to chrM in all rCRS related files in MToolBox/data/directory (i.e. chrRCRS.fa, chrRCRS.fa.fai, chrRCRS.dict, intervals_file_RCRS.list, MITOMAP_HMTDB_known_indels_RCRS.vcf). Otherwise, this breaks the pipeline at indel realigning stage because GATK complains about not being able to match chrM with chrRCRS as below:
NFO 16:14:45,697 HelpFormatter - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO 16:14:45,699 HelpFormatter - The Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK) v2.7-4-g6f46d11, Compiled 2013/10/10 17:27:51
INFO 16:14:45,699 HelpFormatter - Copyright (c) 2010 The Broad Institute
INFO 16:14:45,699 HelpFormatter - For support and documentation go to http://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk
INFO 16:14:45,703 HelpFormatter - Program Args: -T IndelRealigner -R bio/mtoolbox/MToolBox/data/chrRCRS.fa -I bio/m201/OUT_SAMPLE102/OUT.sam.bam -o bio/m201/OUT_SAMPLE102/OUT.realigned.bam -targetIntervals bio/mtoolbox/MToolBox/data/intervals_file_RCRS.list -known bio/mtoolbox/MToolBox/data/MITOMAP_HMTDB_known_indels_RCRS.vcf -compress 0
INFO 16:14:45,703 HelpFormatter - Date/Time: 2016/07/27 16:14:45
INFO 16:14:45,704 HelpFormatter - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO 16:14:45,704 HelpFormatter - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
INFO 16:14:45,714 ArgumentTypeDescriptor - Dynamically determined type of bio/mtoolbox/MToolBox/data/MITOMAP_HMTDB_known_indels_RCRS.vcf to be VCF
INFO 16:14:46,321 GenomeAnalysisEngine - Strictness is SILENT
INFO 16:14:46,405 GenomeAnalysisEngine - Downsampling Settings: No downsampling
INFO 16:14:46,412 SAMDataSource$SAMReaders - Initializing SAMRecords in serial
WARNING: BAM index file bio/m201/OUT_SAMPLE102/OUT.sam.bam.bai is older than BAM bio/m201/OUT_SAMPLE102/OUT.sam.bam
INFO 16:14:46,425 SAMDataSource$SAMReaders - Done initializing BAM readers: total time 0.01
INFO 16:14:46,440 RMDTrackBuilder - Loading Tribble index from disk for file bio/mtoolbox/MToolBox/data/MITOMAP_HMTDB_known_indels_RCRS.vcf
INFO 16:14:47,444 GATKRunReport - Uploaded run statistics report to AWS S3
##### ERROR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##### ERROR A USER ERROR has occurred (version 2.7-4-g6f46d11):
##### ERROR
##### ERROR This means that one or more arguments or inputs in your command are incorrect.
##### ERROR The error message below tells you what is the problem.
##### ERROR
##### ERROR If the problem is an invalid argument, please check the online documentation guide
##### ERROR (or rerun your command with --help) to view allowable command-line arguments for this tool.
##### ERROR
##### ERROR Visit our website and forum for extensive documentation and answers to
##### ERROR commonly asked questions http://www.broadinstitute.org/gatk
##### ERROR
##### ERROR Please do NOT post this error to the GATK forum unless you have really tried to fix it yourself.
##### ERROR
##### ERROR MESSAGE: Input files reads and reference have incompatible contigs: No overlapping contigs found.
##### ERROR reads contigs = [chrM]
##### ERROR reference contigs = [chrRCRS]
##### ERROR ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hi there,
I found several inconsistencies in chromosome naming scheme when using the pipeline with rCRS option, and I would like to make some suggestions.
First, in
, instruction for settingmtdb_fasta
incorrectly states that the parameter should be set toMT.fa
when using rCRS as reference:If
is set toMT.fa
, it later breaks the pipeline when it gets toassembleMTgenome.py
stage because it's looking forMT.fa
file ingenome_fasta/
directory and the file does not exist. The instruction should saymtdb_fasta
should be set tochrM.fa
, reflecting the name change.Second, chromosome names must be updated from chrRCRS to chrM in all rCRS related files in
directory (i.e.chrRCRS.fa
). Otherwise, this breaks the pipeline at indel realigning stage because GATK complains about not being able to match chrM with chrRCRS as below:Best, Jessica