mitreid-connect / trust-framework

Trust Framework document
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Create Modules #2

Open jricher opened 10 years ago

jricher commented 10 years ago

Module ideas:

First Party as IdP First Party as RP

Process for inclusion on whitelist

Process for determining compatibility with other trust frameworks

dazzaji commented 10 years ago


These would be structured differently and I suspect would best be modeled and iterated (at least initially) as stand-alone files in the repository. Would it be appropriate to create a directory/folder called something like "Sandbox" for this or would it be better to create and stabilize a draft more completely before iterating on GitHub?

jricher commented 10 years ago

I anticipate these being separate files as well, but we'll just iterate everything on GitHub itself. We'll work everything that's particularly experimental in separate branches on GitHub, so there's no need to create a sandbox directory.