mixj93 / ubersicht-weather-widget

Nice and powerful weather widget for Übersicht
MIT License
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Widget displays Loading... #7

Open pab-lydon opened 2 years ago

pab-lydon commented 2 years ago

Anyone have any ideas why the widget would simply display Loading?

I have a valid API key

I have Location Services enable (I even tried forcing the Lat/Long)

strefethen commented 2 years ago

I'm seeing the same thing and looking at the resulting API error "401" I found that on openweathermap.com my API key was not activated.

Browse here: https://home.openweathermap.org/api_keys

And look to see if you can see a little slider for your API key and make sure your API is enabled. Following that it looks like it could take a few hours before the API is enabled according to the error message I'm seeing and this FAQ:



wcage03 commented 1 year ago

This is a very old comment thread. I am curious if this solved it. I get the same “Loading…” and nothing else. i have the API key and the online dashboard shows that the key is “active”. I set the key up several weeks ago and then got distracted and only now came back to this.


wcage03 commented 1 year ago

Here is the error that is showing up in the console. I have googled this and from my reading it appears to be running afoul of a security setting. I will keep plugging along, but I am in (for me) uncharted territory. If anyone understands what the issue here is I would appreciate some guidance.

[Error] Refused to execute as script because "X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff" was given and its Content-Type is not a script MIME type. (x11)

strefethen commented 1 year ago

I'm not at a computer ATM but here's a related SO post: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40574159/refused-to-execute-script-strict-mime-type-checking-is-enabled

I don't use that widget anymore and I forget why, whether it just wasn't working or no longer worth the hassle.

When I get back to my laptop I'll take a look and let you know if it works.

strefethen commented 1 year ago

Looks like the URL you referenced is incorrect. It should end in Weather.jsx not Weather-jsx thus the first answer on the SO post I added above is probably the right answer if this is the issue.

The widget is working for me but I haven't had it turned on in a long time.

wcage03 commented 1 year ago

Yeah, the URL is odd. The file is named correctly and the URL call is not within the Weather.jsx script. It must be something in the Ubersicht code itself. All of the menu items for the widgets use the “-“ instead of the “.” Other than put the key value into the code, I haven’t made any changes so I am thinking it must be environmental. Again my searching leads me to the “nosniff” option and the code to be executed as not being a script. I don’t know javascript at all, but I am curious if there are header commands that should be inserted to identify the code correctly.

Thanks for weighing in.