Hello. I know this isn't really a nwm issue, but I want to start contributing and have issues setting it up. I've gotten nwm to run on my machine (Arch) standalone, but I haven't been able to get it working in dev mode while using i3. I start the server with xephyr and everything, but it seems like xephyr isn't capturing my key commands. How can I forward the commands when I'm focused on the xephyr window?
After some tinkering I realized that xbindkeys conflicts with the shortcut methods of nwm. Disabling this allows mod keys to be forwarded to Xephyr, just have to renable when done.
Hello. I know this isn't really a nwm issue, but I want to start contributing and have issues setting it up. I've gotten nwm to run on my machine (Arch) standalone, but I haven't been able to get it working in dev mode while using i3. I start the server with xephyr and everything, but it seems like xephyr isn't capturing my key commands. How can I forward the commands when I'm focused on the xephyr window?