miyushan / mui-daterange-picker-plus

A modern Typescript/JavaScript library for simplifying date-range related operations and enhancing date-picker components in web applications. It provides a range of utilities, including date formatting, parsing, and a fully customizable date range picker with support for various locales.
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Minimize bundle size #8

Open adeldueast opened 1 month ago

adeldueast commented 1 month ago

I could be wrong but according to mui's doc

import { Button, TextField } from '@mui/material'; should not be used to avoid pulling in unused modules

Also, thank you for your efforts in making this nice date range picker ❤️

The MUI dater ange picker isnt free and i didnt want to use an other library that I would have to style as im using MUI..

miyushan commented 1 month ago

Hi, thank you for pointing that out. I'll update the package to avoid pulling in unused modules. I appreciate your support and am glad you're enjoying the date range picker plus!

Best regards, Miyushan