mizunashi-mana / quell

A programming language forked from Haskell
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coherent level of dictionary #4

Open mizunashi-mana opened 4 years ago

mizunashi-mana commented 4 years ago

coherence ~ global uniqueness


  1. White, L., Bour, F., & Yallop, J. (2015). Modular implicits. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, 198, 22–63. https://doi.org/10.4204/EPTCS.198.2
    • The OCaml case
  2. SCHRIJVERS, T., OLIVEIRA, B. C. D. S., WADLER, P., & MARNTIROSIAN, K. (2019). COCHIS: Stable and coherent implicits. Journal of Functional Programming, 29, e3. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0956796818000242
    • The calculus with implicit system focusing coherence
  3. Edward Z. Yang. Type classes: confluence, coherence and global uniqueness. http://blog.ezyang.com/2014/07/type-classes-confluence-coherence-global-uniqueness/
    • The summary of Haskell's type classes
  4. Winant, T., & Devriese, D. (2018). Coherent explicit dictionary application for Haskell. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 53(7), 81–93. https://doi.org/10.1145/3299711.3242752
    • An extensions of Haskell for explicit dictionary application with coherence
  5. Dotty's Issue. What kind of typeclass coherence should we support?. https://github.com/lampepfl/dotty/issues/4234
    • A discussion for Dotty (Scala 3)
  6. Rust's dicussion. Orphan rules. https://internals.rust-lang.org/t/orphan-rules/1322
    • A diccusion of orphan instances for Rust
mizunashi-mana commented 4 years ago