mkao006 / sws_imputation

Repository for implementing imputation for the Statistical Working System
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FAOSTAT Production Domain Imputation

This is the github repository for the development of the FAOSTAT production imputation methodology.


To install the imputation package, simply run the following command.


## The package depends on the faoswsFlag package
install_github(repo = "sws_flag", username = "mkao006", 
               subdir = "faoswsFlag")

## The imputation package
install_github(repo = "sws_imputation", 
           username = "mkao006", 
           subdir = "faoswsProductionImputation")


There are two vignettes associated with the package, one for the methodology while the other for the step-by-step tutorial of the functionality.

We recommend to skim through the methodlogy paper before proceeding to the tutorial.

The methodology paper can be accessed via the vignette.

vignette(topic = "methodology", package = "faoswsProductionImputation")

The step by step explaination of functionality of the package is described in a separate documentation also shipped with the pacakge.

vignette(topic = "faoswsProductionImputation", package = "faoswsProductionImputation")


All relevant documentation of the current methodology can be found in the documentation folder. There are three folder in this directory.


The presentation folder contains previous and current presentation on the methodology for a speedy introduction.