mkuklis / phonegap-websocket

Websocket PhoneGap plugin for Android
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FIX dispatchEvent: call eventHandler in context of the WebSocket #50

Closed russaa closed 9 years ago

russaa commented 9 years ago

small fix in function dispatchEvent(): call the event handlers in context of the WebSocket instance (instead of global/window context)

mkuklis commented 9 years ago

@russaa thanks for the pull request. Unfortunately I don't think this is how the original WebSocket spec handles the context. I think all callbacks execute in the global scope.

russaa commented 9 years ago

I have to admit, I did not look at the specification... but doesn't the general event-handling routine (for HTML/DOM elements) apply here too?

As far as I can make out the WebSocket spec. the event handler specification applies: there in step 10, the Lexical Environment Scope, sub-point 3 suggests that the scope would be the element i.e. the WebSocket object (?): "3. If element is not null, let Scope be the result of NewObjectEnvironment(element, Scope)."

Also (from a practical point of view), when I use WebSockets in Chrome or Firefox the handlers get executed within the context of the WebSocket instance, e.g. using the little test-script below, I get the following results (note the [object WebSocket] where the this reference is printed):

event OPEN: ...execution context is [object WebSocket]
ONOPEN: ...execution context is [object WebSocket]
ONMESSAGE: ...execution context is [object WebSocket]  URL: ws://
event MESSAGE: ...execution context is [object WebSocket]
event MESSAGE2: ...execution context is [object WebSocket]  URL: ws://
event CLOSED: ...execution context is [object WebSocket]


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <title>JavaScript Testing: WebSocket execution context of handlers</title>

  <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">


  var print = function(msg){

  var testWebSocketExecContext = function(){

    var url = 'ws://';
    var s = new WebSocket(url);
    var REF = 'theSocket';

    var testScript = [
        'start ', 'stop', 'analyze '
    var testLoops = 2;
    var reqId = 1;
    var runTest = function(i){

        if(i >= testScript.length){

            if(reqId >= testLoops){

                console.log('>> closing...');



        var test = testScript[i];
        if(/\s$/ig.test(test)) test += reqId;

        console.log('>> sending req msg "'+test+'"...');


        setTimeout(function(){ runTest(++i); }, 1000);

    s.onmessage = function(data){
       console.log('ONMESSAGE: received message "'+data+'"');
       print('ONMESSAGE: ...execution context is '+this+'  URL: '+(this.url));

    s.onerror = function(err){
       console.error('ONERROR occured "'+err+'"');

       print('ONERROR: ...execution context is '+this+'  URL: '+(this.url));

    s.onclose = function(code){'ONCLOSE invoked "'+code+'"');

       print('ONCLOSE: ...execution context is '+this+'  URL: '+(this.url));

    s.addEventListener('message', function(data){
       console.log('event MESSAGE: received message "'+data+'"');

       print('event MESSAGE: ...execution context is '+this);

    s.addEventListener('message', function(data){
       console.log('event MESSAGE2: received message "'+data+'"');
       print('event MESSAGE2: ...execution context is '+this+'  URL: '+this.url);

    s.addEventListener('error', function(data){
       console.log('event ERROR: received message "'+data+'"');
       print('event ERROR: ...execution context is '+this);

    s.addEventListener('close', function(data){'event CLOSED: received message "'+data+'"');
       print('event CLOSED: ...execution context is '+this);

    s.addEventListener('open', function(data){
       print('event OPEN: ...execution context is '+this);

    s.onopen = function(){

        print('ONOPEN: ...execution context is '+this);

        }, 500);




  <pre id="text-content"></pre>

mkuklis commented 9 years ago

@russaa you are right. I tested it too but I was doing it wrong. Thanks again for the fix!