mllam / neural-lam

Neural Weather Prediction for Limited Area Modeling
MIT License
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Add draft github pull-request template #53

Open leifdenby opened 3 weeks ago

leifdenby commented 3 weeks ago

The aim of this PR is to add a pull-request template for use on github when add pull-requests to the common repo. The aim of my initial commit is to start the discussion on how we would like pull-requests to progress when collaborating on neural-lam.

As you will see from the template I have created so far the aim is to:

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts all :)

Here's a direct link so you can see it rendered:

SimonKamuk commented 3 weeks ago

Great idea with the template, and good suggestions by @sadamov. I have just added a small comment above, and have no further changes - great work!

leifdenby commented 2 weeks ago

I am going to promote this to an actual PR from a draft PR now the discussion is well underway :smile:

joeloskarsson commented 5 days ago

Any updates on this @leifdenby? Are there specific points you want more input on? Out of my points it is mainly the checkbox for adding tests that requires some further discussion. It would be good to try to merge this soon.