mllofriu / visual_slam

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can't locate node [ros_mono] in package [orb_slam2] #1

Open Sangheli opened 7 years ago

Sangheli commented 7 years ago

When i tryed launch houses.launch, i have got error:

ERROR: cannot launch node of type [orb_slam2/ros_mono]: can't locate node [ros_mono] in package [orb_slam2]

but, Gazebo and Rviz loaded. In Rviz i can view only /feature_extractor/debug topic, but /slam/map topic don`t display points in view

mllofriu commented 6 years ago

Can you paste the output of your catkin? ros_mono is generated as part of the compilation of these packages.

Sangheli commented 6 years ago

Sorry for issue, first time a can't compile code, and i copy original orb_slam2 source code in folder and get this error.

In other time i compiled code and again get error, after that i compiled second time, and code compiled successfully