pyGIS is an online textbook covering all the core geospatial functionality available in Python. This includes handling vector and raster data, satellite remote sensing, machine learning and deep learning applications. -- Under Development --
Sub out "Understand" for other verbs in your learning objectives for this section.
I neglected to mention before that you should consider including alternative text for all of your figures for accessibility purposes so vision-impaired folks can use your online textbook with a screen reader. Additionally, for any figures that rely on color to communicate an important concept (say, differentiating between two variables in a visualization) you should consider using a colorblind-friendly profile.
Sub out "Understand" for other verbs in your learning objectives for this section.
I neglected to mention before that you should consider including alternative text for all of your figures for accessibility purposes so vision-impaired folks can use your online textbook with a screen reader. Additionally, for any figures that rely on color to communicate an important concept (say, differentiating between two variables in a visualization) you should consider using a colorblind-friendly profile.
Here are two good resources on that.
One Two
...and here's a useful color/contrast tool made available by Adobe.