mmcclenahan84 / ww1-project

Final project from our Digital Humanities class analyzing letters from WWI soldiers to see how the war impacted their mental and behavioral health
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Project Meeting Notes 9/28 #4

Open JacobAluise opened 1 year ago

JacobAluise commented 1 year ago

Third Project Meeting

During this meeting, we began to finalize our number of total letters that we will be using for our research project. Alison, Matt and myself each presented the sources we had found and Ben organized them in a google doc by year. From this we determined we currently have 49 letters to process. From these 49 letters, we found that we have significantly more from 1916 as compared to the end. As a group, we decided that this was not a major issue, but we would still try and find a few more from the latter half of the war. From here, we began to discuss how best to divvy up the work of tagging these documents. We hit an impasse almost immediately, as Huzan was not able to attend this meeting, and we decided it would not be fair to exclude any sources she found or to impose work on her. So we decided to only divvy up the work after the corpus was finalized. Additionally, we imposed a deadline of Friday (9/30) to be the last day to submit sources to the GitHub repo, as to not inundate ourselves with sources.

Putting Files on GitHub

As discussion shifted into converting plain text files into XML, Allison suggested a naming scheme for each file. That scheme being Lastname_Country_Year with first names and months to be included if necessary. We then decided to house all of our markup in one folder in the repo for the time being. Then, we began to refine our list of factors as discussed in the previous post by deciding to do an additional round of document analysis on each to decide what factors were present within the viable documents, as well as what factors could be added. We have also decided to delay our decision on whether or not to use TEI for our tagging until we have a finalized corpus and a solid markup methodology.

Goals for Next Meeting

mmontoni30 commented 1 year ago

Hi guys! I think this is where I'm supposed to leave my monthly project response, and if not, I'm certain that someone will comment and let me know! But I really like the file-naming system you guys have going. It seems good considering the number of files you have to work with to standardize the names for purposes of later regex operations as well as location. As for your 1916 problem, where have you been gathering letters? I'm surprised to hear that there's such a lack of letters from the latter half of the war. In any case, this project intrigues me and I can't wait to see your markup!

EmmaSchwarz commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the update, Jacob! It looks like your team is making great progress. We're happy to see that you have decided on a naming standard! Thank you for all of the detail you provided here. Looking forward to seeing the result.